- Thursday, Sept. 21
- 1:00 ET
- 10:00 PT
Managing Electronic HR Records: How to Prevent Liability and Maintain Compliance
Learn to preserve, protect, produce, and purge records in compliance with legal and regulatory rules.
In this interactive webinar, led by nationally recognized policy and compliance expert Nancy Flynn, founder of The ePolicy Institute™, learn how to:
Write effective records retention policies and procedures
Determine records lifecycles and produce effective retention or deletion schedules
Minimize legal and regulatory liabilities by putting best practices to work
Take a strategic best practices-based approach to managing and maintaining electronic and HR records
Business records are the electronic equivalent of DNA evidence. In the event of a workplace lawsuit or regulatory audit, your organization’s stores of email, Slack messages, and social media posts will be scoured and possibly even seized as proof of bad (or good) behavior by employees.
Are you 100% confident your HR department is retaining and purging business records in full compliance with the law and regulatory bodies? Are remote, hybrid, and onsite employees fully adhering to the organization’s records retention policy and deletion schedule when using both employer-provided and personal devices?
Don't leave the handling of your electronic and HR business records to chance. Compliance with the law is mandatory, and mistakes can be expensive (to your company and career). Attend on September 21 for a review of strategies and best practices for preserving, protecting, producing, and purging your company’s all-important business records.
Agenda for Managing Electronic HR Records
- Ensure onsite, remote, and work-from-home staff comply with records rules
- Manage electronic and HR records effectively and compliantly
- Distinguish between business records and non-records
- Support your records retention policy with a litigation hold policy
- Establish records rules for email, mobile devices, social media, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Slack, and other electronic tools
- Implement policies and procedures for new and emerging HR concerns, including medical/recreational marijuana use
- Comply with state and federal eDiscovery guidelines
- Protect personal privacy and confidential and sensitive information
- Educate everyone — onsite, hybrid, work-from-home staff — about records rules
- Safeguard records with best-in-class technology tools
- How to use software tools for records retention, along with monitoring, policy management, content management, antivirus, and other records-related software.
Interactive Q&A time included
Ask speaker Nancy Flynn your specific questions about managing electronic and HR records.
Nancy Flynn recognized expert on workplace complianceA recognized expert on workplace compliance and communication, Nancy Flynn is the founder and executive director of The ePolicy Institute™, Business Writing Institute™, and Marijuana Policy Institute™. She provides policy training, policy writing, and policy consulting services to clients seeking to minimize risks and maximize legal and regulatory compliance. She also serves as an expert witness in litigation related to electronic policies and procedures. A popular news source, she has been quoted in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Time, Fortune, and CNN.
Professional Certification Credit Hours Included With This Webinar
Business Management Daily is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDC) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities.
The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.
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Managing Personnel Records
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