Onboarding and 'Reboarding':
The Power of the 'Five Firsts'
Onboarding is already a challenge and the COVID-19 crisis has made it super difficult. But for employers who are still hiring, first impressions are more crucial than ever before.
How you handle a new hire's first days can make the difference between keeping a loyal employee for years and losing them in the first week.
Do you have a structured plan for onboarding and for reboarding (bringing back your laid-off workers)?
Mel Kleiman, America's top expert on hiring, has studied the best retention strategies used by America's top companies. His research found that employers reap huge long-term rewards by using a simple system that leverages the power of 5 first impressions in the employee's first 30 days.
Discover the specific steps that winning organizations are using in that first month to dramatically reduce employee turnover and create a highly engaged and motivated workforce – even if new hires and managers are working remotely!
The 5 Firsts system will help your organization build a positive, lasting relationship with each new employee. You'll learn how to maximize these important events to improve employee engagement and retention:
- The First Hour. It's the most important hour you'll ever spend with your new hire. It's not the time for paperwork. It's the time for precise words and actions (on Zoom or in person).
- The End of the First Day. Your new hire's head will be spinning. Mel will explain what to say (and, more importantly, to ask) in a 15-minute, end-of-day debrief.
- The End of the First Week. Now's the time to reinforce the person's decision to join the company and to discover (and fix) any discontent or misunderstands. Here's a script.
- The First Paycheck. Learn why tying the presentation of the check (or direct deposit slip) to a discussion of performance is so important.
- The End of the First 30 Days. Use Mel's 30-Day Checklist to ask yourself the hard questions about your onboarding process and how the new employee is performing.
The coronavirus crisis has thrown many workplace processes out the window – but you can't afford to get lax with your onboarding. The 5 Firsts is a practical onboarding program that can help any organization keep their new hires engaged, productive and happy – as well as improve the bottom line. Get your copy of Onboarding and 'Reboarding' now!
Pat DiDomenico, Editorial Director
HR Specialist
P.S. Your satisfaction is unconditionally guaranteed. If Onboarding and 'Reboarding' fails to meet your needs, we will refund every penny you paid – no hassles, no questions asked.
Onboarding and 'Reboarding':
About Your Speaker:
Mel Kleiman is a popular, energetic speaker and a leading authority on employee recruiting, selection and retention. Mel has given more than 500 presentations and trained thousands of HR pros and supervisors. He's the author of seven books, including the best-selling Hire Tough, Manage Easy, and is the onetime owner of three different businesses (including the largest group of Hertz Rent-A-Car franchise locations in the country). Mel's expertise and creative insights give HR and managers dozens of new ideas about how to select and retain quality people.
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