The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has completely up-ended business as usual. As an HR professional, there’s a lot on your plate. Sending workers home … providing leave … keeping everyone safe … understanding the new legislation and policies. All while trying to maintain normal business operations.
We know you’ve got A LOT to think about and work through. That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive guide for you. The Employer Response to Coronavirus: A Practical and Legal Approach to Employee Leave, Productivity, Safety and More covers all the pandemic-specific topics you need, all in one place.
Compiled by our attorneys and HR experts, The Employer Response to Coronavirus is your go-to for all things related to your workforce and the pandemic.
Yes! I want pandemic guidance to manage my workforce through this crisis. I’m ready to download my copy of The Employer Response to Coronavirus.
Topics include:
Employee Leave and Wage Issues
- Who is (and isn’t) eligible for emergency leave
- New required posters for your workplace
- New law requires paid-leave recordkeeping
- CARES Act grants new benefit breaks to workers
- How employers will recoup FFCRA paid leave
- Q&A: Coronavirus and the Fair Labor Standards Act
- Q&A: Coronavirus and the Family and Medical Leave Act
Employee Health & Safety
- How to reduce transmission among employees
- Maintain healthy business operations
- Do OSHA safety rules apply to employee home offices?
Medical Inquiries and the ADA
- Answers to common questions
- Coronavirus and HIPAA: What info can you divulge?
IT and Insurance Issues
- Ensure tech security for your remote staff
- Protect your intellectual property while your employees telework
- How does business interruption insurance fit into this situation?
Remote Employees
- Remote control: 6 steps for managing your employees from a distance
- Make sure employees have the tools they need to work from home
- 4 ways to make virtual meetings more engaging
Layoffs and RIFs
- Say goodbye on good terms when the company is forced to downsize
- 3 lawsuit-proof alternatives to layoffs
- Planning layoffs? Document the financial reason
- 5 strategies to minimize unemployment insurance
- How to deliver bad news to employees
- Outbreak may quicken the trend of shorter workweeks
Stress and Mental Health
- Tough times = stressed-out employees: 10 tips to ease their pain
- You have a legal duty to accommodate depression
- New perk helps stressed employees
Yes! I want pandemic guidance to manage my workforce through this crisis. I’m ready to download my copy of The Employer Response to Coronavirus.