Alan was the CFO of a small company and in charge of payroll. His company was owned by a parent company that was forced into receivership by the Small Business Administration. The SBA now had complete control over Alan’s company.
The SBA told Alan to pay other creditors first. So Alan stopped depositing payroll taxes to the IRS. The IRS caught up with Alan (as they always do). They threatened to hold Alan 100% personally liable for the company’s payroll taxes. He didn’t have that kind of money!
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
In court, Alan argued that since his company was controlled by the SBA – another part of the federal government – he wasn’t personally on the hook for the taxes. Alan was between a rock and a hard place: Comply with the SBA and defy the IRS, or pay the taxes and defy the SBA. The IRS sued.
Sadly, the federal court ruled in favor of the IRS. Under Section 6672, you are personally liable for your company’s undeposited payroll taxes if you are a responsible person who willfully failed to deposit those taxes. Alan acted willfully by paying other creditors before the IRS.
Poor Alan. He thought he was doing the right thing. And now he’s personally on the hook for all those taxes. It didn’t have to happen… IF Alan only had a copy of Payroll Compliance Handbook from Business Management Daily. He would have known the legal thing to do.

I want to stay in compliance, improve efficiencies and avoid costly mistakes. Send me my Payroll Compliance Handbook now. If I'm not completely satisfied, I can return it in 30 days for a full refund.
- Yes! I want to master payroll management ... and keep the IRS away forever.
Bulletproof Yourself Against the IRS!
With our new and updated Payroll Compliance Handbook, you’ll quickly and easily find answers to all of your nagging payroll questions. This handy reference is written in plain English – no legal gobbledygook here – so you can quickly understand what you need to do to stay in compliance, improve efficiencies and avoid costly payroll errors.
Each chapter focuses on a specific aspect of payroll management and compliance… and every issue of payroll compliance you need to know is addressed. Here are a few highlights:
- Exempt or non-exempt? The vital answer you must know. A handy checklist makes it easy
- Employee attendance at a training program. Must you pay for it? The answer may be no if these four conditions are met.
- The most common FLSA violation and how to avoid it. Simply follow our chart or be at risk for a hefty fine.
- Equal pay hot button! A woman has less experience and education than a man in a similar role. Can you pay her less? Plus, how to establish an equal pay merit system that works.
- Fringe benefits: taxable or non-taxable? How to reward fringe benefits to employees without crossing swords with the IRS.
- Hiring and firing strategies to minimize your legal pay liabilities – from I-9 forms to final wages.
- Income tax withholding. Every employer MUST do it… and get it right. Plus, the ins and out of special withholding situations that could trip you up with the IRS.
- W-2s, W-3s, 1099s and more. The most common reporting errors that will land you in the IRS hot seat, and how to avoid them.
- Uh-oh. It’s an audit notice. The simple things you can do today to sail through any IRS audit. Plus, a detailed month-by-month checklist to walk you through how to stay compliant and avoid penalties.
- Garnishments and levies. Just what are you responsible for according to federal and state law? Plus, a simple procedural checklist that makes these added payroll deductions easy to implement.
- What’s the law in your state? Check out the appendixes for the requirements in your state.
- And so much more on overtime, independent contractors, executive salaries, alternative payment options, expense reimbursements, health and disability insurance, FICA and FUTA – just to name a few.
You will not find a more comprehensive payroll resource than this. I urge you to order your copy of the Payroll Compliance Handbook today for special 22% SAVINGS off the regular price. Details here.

I want to stay in compliance, improve efficiencies and avoid costly mistakes. Send me my Payroll Compliance Handbook now. If I'm not completely satisfied, I can return it in 30 days for a full refund.
- Yes! I want to master payroll management ... and keep the IRS away forever.
Payroll Made Easy!
Once upon a time, payroll used to be easy: the employee’s gross pay minus federal, state and local taxes. Then along came health premium and 401(k) deductions. Still simple, but…
Today, payroll managers deal with direct deposit, health spending accounts, vehicle allowances, phone expenses, earned income credits, garnishments and more. Payroll is now a confusing and time-consuming task prone to error.
Don’t let a simple mistake unleash the full and frightening power of the IRS and wipe out your business and you personally… just like poor Alan.
We’ve made payroll easy again. Get your copy of the Payroll Compliance Handbook now – and stay completely off the IRS’s radar.
You can order risk-free with our 100% Money-Back Guarantee and enjoy 22% SAVINGS! Don’t wait.
Investing money today to ensure you’re in compliance is better than forking over hundreds of thousands – even millions – in fines and penalties tomorrow. Order now.
Heather Rice
Business Management Daily
P.S. You are fully protected with our 100% Money-Back Guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied with the Payroll Compliance Handbook, just return it within 30 days. You’ll receive a full and prompt refund. No questions asked.