Performance Review Workshop
If you haven't conducted a one-on-one check-in with each of your employees, now is the time.
With work structures off balance, managers need a reliable system to assess what their reports are working on, struggling with and capable of achieving right now. Regular performance appraisals provide that critical feedback loop between managers and employees. That's why we've paired back up with management coach Marie McIntyre to provide you with the tools necessary to conduct effective employee reviews.
The fact is, you still have to monitor output, track performance and — when necessary — discipline appropriately.
The Performance Review Workshop will help you prepare for and execute effective performance appraisals no matter what your current situation. Without them, you risk lower morale, decreased productivity, and potential legal trouble if you need to terminate. Instead, transform your next review meeting into the most powerful tool possible, not only to assess past work but also to help your employees meet future goals.
In the Performance Review Workshop, you'll discover:
- A detailed roadmap for planning and conducting an effective appraisal
- How to make your reviews easier with the Performance Management Cycle
- 10 tips for making written appraisals more descriptive and effective
- How to clearly communicate desired results and avoid "fuzzy" language
- How to maintain "management presence" during a performance review
- A 4-part discussion plan that keeps the appraisal on track
- How to deliver useful coaching and avoid corrosive criticism
- Confrontational reactions: Managing debaters and power-grabbers
- Handling upset employees: Pouters, criers, and "super-sensitives"
Get your copy of the Performance Review Workshop now!
Pat DiDomenico, Editorial Director
Managing People at Work
P.S. Your satisfaction is unconditionally guaranteed. If the Performance Review Workshop fails to meet your needs, we will refund every penny you paid – no hassles, no questions asked.
Performance Review Workshop:
About Your Speaker:
Marie McIntyre is a workplace psychologist who operates an international career coaching business, and the website She has written a workplace advice column, Your Office Coach, for thirteen years and is the author of two business books, Secrets to Winning at Office Politics and The Management Team Handbook. Previously, Marie held management positions in both business and government, including Director of Human Resources in a Fortune 500 company. As a consultant, she has worked with a wide variety of organizations, including Cisco, The Home Depot, AT&T, Walgreens, Lockheed Martin, and the CDC. Marie’s career advice has appeared in Fortune, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Canadian Business, and many other publications.
Credit Hours:
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