Dear HR Pro,
The second Julia’s boss summoned her to his office, she knew something big was about to happen. But she had no idea what kind of chaos she was about to inherit.
“Carl just resigned,” he announced gravely. “There’s no one else in the company with the time or the skills to take on his HR tasks. We’re going to need you to step into the role.”
Julia was confused. She’d been with the company for almost 10 years now, but always in administrative roles. She knew nothing about human resources. She wasn’t even completely sure what Carl’s job had been. Counseling employees? Handing out reprimands? Hiring and firing people?
“Of course, your new tasks will come with a pay increase,” Julia’s boss continued. “And we’ll make sure Carl gets you up to speed on everything you need to know. But you’re going to have to do a lot of studying up on your own.”
There was no way Julia could turn down this opportunity. She was eager to advance her career, and of course the money would be nice. Now that she was curious about what being an HR manager meant, she had to find out.
“I’ll do it,” Julia announced happily.
Two weeks later, she regretted ever opening her mouth.
HR: The ABCs |
As soon as Carl had left the office for the last time, Julia was on her own … and miserable.
Carl’s guidance on HR topics wasn’t nearly enough to help her understand exactly what the job entailed. It felt like he’d thrown a handful of letters at her and expected her to know what they meant.
Julia wanted to call in sick … for the rest of her life.
When Claudia asked for time off to take care of her mother after surgery, Julia didn’t know what to tell her. When David asked to be allowed to telecommute on days his multiple sclerosis flared up, Julia wasn’t sure she could say yes. And when Bridget filed a complaint alleging her supervisor had sexually harassed her, Julia understood exactly why Carl had left this job.
Finally, after days of struggling just to interpret all the acronyms Carl had tossed at her, Julia called her best friend, trying not to cry. “I can’t do this,” she whimpered.
“Yes, you can,” her friend promised. “You just need The HR Specialist.”
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The website also holds archived issues of The HR Specialist, so you can see how other companies have handled tough HR challenges – either successfully or unsuccessfully.
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If you’re still not convinced that The HR Specialist is right for you, take a look at a sample issue. In just eight pages, we cover a huge range of topics:
- Secrets of a CEO: 10 things HR needs to know
- How to legally handle chronically late workers
- Alert managers: No ‘magic words’ needed by employee to request FMLA
- How to craft a policy on Facebook, Twitter usage
- Maintaining I-9s: The top 10 do’s and don’ts
- 25 off-limits interview questions
- Reduce your workers’ comp premiums: 6 tips
Yes! I’m ready to face new challenges with this expert advice.
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Julia sure benefited from everything The HR Specialist has to offer. Within minutes of receiving her first issue, she felt calmer and more in control of her responsibilities. Soon the alphabet soup began to make sense, and Julia knew how to deal with every problem that was brought to her.
We’ve been guiding HR pros like Julia – and you – through the confusion and chaos of human resources since 1937. Let us make you an HR genius.
Pat DiDomenico, Editorial Director
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