Here it was, her very first day as a line supervisor, and Mary Watkins was screaming – at her. So loudly that every head turned and all work stopped.
Imagine the thoughts that flashed through Carla's mind. Thoughts like If I tell her to shut up, she'll hate me ... If I back down, she'll think I'm a wimp ... and the worst one of all …
“I’m not really cut out for this job.”
And that’s when Carla remembered advice she’d read that very morning. Some newsletter her boss had handed her. Skimmed it while drinking coffee. Intervene fast, it said. When someone acts out, stop them cold. Take a moment to center yourself ... make sure not to express anger ... but don’t wait for a “better time.”
Carla took a deep breath and did what she had to do. Mary calmed down – turned out she’d arrived at work already on edge due to a home issue. That afternoon, Carla’s boss slipped her a thank-you with “Good job!” handwritten on the outside. Carla’s new career was off to a fast start.
And it wouldn’t have happened but for the tip from that newsletter. What the heck was that newsletter called, anyway?
Managing People at Work was created especially for people like YOU. People with big responsibilities – a team to manage, morale to build, quotas to meet, work that must be out the door by noon Friday or else. People who could use a little help.
‘Help Me’: The Two Most Powerful Words in the English Language?
After all, no one is born knowing how to manage people. No one is born knowing ...
- How to defuse anger
- How to read faces and minds
- How to get the upper hand
- How to say no
You’d take a class if you had time ... but you don’t, not with your workload. You’d stay up late reading those books your boss recommended ... but you can barely keep your eyes open through dinner!
But here’s the latest issue of Managing People at Work lying by your keyboard. Full of practical advice, and easy to read, too. Fun, even, and only four pages long. Shouldn’t take more than a few minutes. Why not bring it along on break?
And wow, the tips and tricks you’ll discover!
How to light a fire under entry-level workers.
One super idea? Work alongside them for an hour or so. Message: You’re a hands-on boss, you value what they do, you care.
Great way to say ‘great job!’
Meet with employee and boss and work in the following praise phrase: “The project succeeded because of Joe. He won’t say it, but I will. Without his hard work and great ideas, the effort would have been a flop.”
Energize a frustrated employee.
Give her a quick assignment with a high chance of success. It’s that simple.
These techniques really work – and we ought to know. We are Business Management Daily and we wrote the book. Since 1937 we’ve aided your colleagues (and competitors) with solid, practical advice and counsel. Our management information services include The HR Specialist, Manager’s Legal Bulletin and Leadership Briefings, to name just a few.
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Two Things You Must NEVER Do
Here, for example, are two things NEVER to do –
- Be careful not to inadvertently commit harassment. You could be sued PERSONALLY. And your employer would not necessarily assist with your defense.
- Don’t tolerate anything even remotely resembling harassment. A throwaway joke or offhand comment may seem meaningless to you, but to a cancer victim or abuse survivor it may mean something completely different.
These two tips alone could save you tens of thousands of dollars – money out of your own pocket – not to mention months of agony. (If you’ve ever been involved in a lawsuit, you know exactly what we mean.) They could even save your job ... save your very career.
Advice at Your Fingertips ... 24/7! |
Managing People at Work is an end-to-end support service – information at your fingertips any time, night or day, via the web and email.
Take the newsletter. Not only will you get a new issue every week, like clockwork, but every issue back to Vol. 1 No. 1 is also available with a click on our website, ManagingPeopleAtWork.com.
This website, password-protected from prying eyes, is full of solid gold. Insightful blogs by recognized experts. Videos. Podcasts. A quick-hit service we call the Manager’s 90-Second Challenge, one-question interviews focusing on a specific problem ... and the solution.
But perhaps the most useful website feature is the Employee Problem Solver, a searchable database that provides solutions to more than 160 tricky workplace dilemmas. The Employee Problem Solver is available (no extra charge, of course) to registered subscribers ONLY. No one else ever gets to look at it.
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There's also a SEVENTH bonus gift, an additional $197.00 value. More on that later. First, be aware …
So ... What Is All This Worth to You? |
A one-year subscription to Managing People at Work costs just $349. I bet you spend more – a lot more – on your morning caffeine fix.
But just one tip from Managing People at Work – one bit of well-timed advice that helps you solve a problem, clean up a mess, hire more successfully or fire more courageously – what’s that worth? More than $349? A lot more, I’d say.
I’m not just an editor and publisher. I’m a manager, too. And I read and use many of the things we write about. I think you will, too.
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It’s your career. Make sure it's a success.
Pat DiDomenico
Editorial Director

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P.S. I almost forgot to tell you about FREE Bonus Gift #7! It's called Managing & Motivating the 7 Most Challenging Employee Types, another top-selling Marie McIntyre webinar recorded in full on CD with all supplementary materials. Just subscribe for two years at the extra-special discounted price of $648 and this second webinar-on-CD is yours FREE.
P.P.S. Remember Carla Jones, the novice manager whose story started this letter? Carla had been an administrative assistant, one of many in a 350-person organization. Only a few years of college but bright, personable, a go-getter. Leadership potential for sure. Yet on her first day as a manager, she nearly took a stumble that could have snuffed a promising career. Good thing that copy of Managing People at Work was at hand. It saved her.

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