They never saw it coming:
- The manager who thought employees ought to speak English on the job. (She was wrong to the tune of $1.5 million.)
- The company whose entry-level test disproportionately rejected qualified women. (It cost the firm $500,000.)
- The organization that incorrectly classified a group of workers. (Cost of mistake: $17 million.)
Now … think of us as the WARNING LIGHT that flashes on before you stray into a legal calamity.
Yes! I’m ready to protect myself and my organization from employment law threats.
Dear HR Pro,
It appears only once a month …
But when it does, thousands of savvy executives drop everything to devour this modest-looking publication as if their organization’s future depends on it!
What, exactly, is going on here?
In a nutshell, this unusual source is avidly read because readers know that any given issue is likely to contain vital intelligence that could save them from expensive, morale-draining employee lawsuits.
This remarkable publication is HR Specialist: Employment Law. And it exists precisely because employee lawsuits have spun wildly out of control.
Heaven knows, management isn’t supposed to be about tip-toeing through a legal minefield every working day. But it is. And that’s just a fact of life. Indeed, even the most conscientious, compassionate employer can be dragged into court by today’s crazy, Byzantine employment laws.
FACT: More than one-quarter of all civil lawsuits filed today are employment-related. What’s more, employers lose 60% of these cases–and the typical award is $500,000 and climbing.
Even worse, many workers are not just suing their employers; they’re suing their former managers, who can be forced to pay out of
their own pockets.
Yes! I’m ready to protect myself and my organization from employment law threats.
Reading HR Specialist: Employment Law is like having a blindfold taken off and getting access to strategies that can literally change the way you see your employment policies – and possibly even save your organization.
In recent issues, our readers …
- Discovered exactly how to avoid paying overtime … legally!
- Learned how to monitor employees’ communications without leaving themselves open to privacy-violation claims.
- Found six new ways to trim workers’ compensation costs – as well as three virtually foolproof indicators that reveal cheaters.
- Received step-by-step guidelines for writing an ironclad employee-absentee policy – one that provides effective incentives and avoids legal pitfalls.
- Learned how to give employees clear behavioral guidelines to avoid violating hair-trigger sexual harassment laws.
- Found out why they can be held responsible for ensuring a “safe workplace” for employees who telecommute from their homes.
- Got clear directions for organizing personnel files for maximum protection in defending against claims from employees, former employees and regulators.
- Discovered why First Amendment free-speech protections do not apply in the private workplace – and how misconceptions about this can land you in trouble.
- Learned why a “give no references” policy is not a smart move. Our readers now know a much better procedure!
It seems like every day, employers have new regulations and laws to follow. Many seem like traps rather than laws. It’s hard to hear about these cases without wishing you had a personal lawyer to sort it all out for you.
Obviously, you’re not about to make every workplace decision with an attorney whispering into your ear! But you can have HR Specialist: Employment Law on your side. To answer your questions. To cut through the “legalese.” To give you reliable, legally authoritative opinions on the treacherous legal maze that awaits you every day, such as ...
Can Your Employees Moonlight While on Medical Leave?
Yes, they can. It seems crazy, but your workers can use their allotted FMLA leave to work at a second job. Is there a way out of this? Yes: Ban workers from moonlighting during any kind of leave and you can stop the madness!
Are Your Pre-Employment Tests Discriminatory?
You’d better hope not! For example, if you give a job test, the pass rate for applicants from a protected group must be at least 80% of that for the group with the highest selection rate or the test can be deemed biased. Bottom line: Make certain you are testing job-related qualities and that your tests fulfill a business necessity. Otherwise, scrap them.
When Is the Exit Interview a Bad Idea?
Skip it when the employee has been discharged for gross misconduct. Not only will the interview waste your time, it may actually provoke the dismissed employee to sue you!
Yes! I’m ready to protect myself and my organization from employment law threats.
Every issue of HR Specialist: Employment Law puts your mind at ease with authoritative answers to the questions you may have:
- Must you grant federally protected family leave for tummy tucks and nose jobs?
- When can employee-transfer decisions put you in legal jeopardy?
- Can mandatory arbitration agreements work for you?
- Email: Why is it the electronic equivalent of DNA evidence?
- How can the term “laid off” come back to haunt you?
- How can you enforce a drug-free workplace without raising privacy issues?
- Can a bonus plan free you from paying overtime to nonexempt workers?
We make sure that HR Specialist: Employment Law is easy to read and free of legal jargon. Everything you need to know about relevant legal developments is at your fingertips: Recent cases. Legal strategies used against employers. Mistakes employers often make. New court rulings – and what they mean to you.
Review the sample issue. If you agree that HR Specialist: Employment Law will help keep you and your business out of court, order today.
Normally, a full year of Employment Law would cost you $299. But if you subscribe today, you get the Professional Courtesy Rate of just $147 for one year’s service. Immediately, you save a full 50% – and receive, with our compliments, unlimited free access to a wealth of online problem-solving reports.
Add it all up and that’s only 40¢ a day for reliable, heads-up guidance that could save you from straying into worker lawsuits and potential legal calamity.

Special Introductory Offer
So try HR Specialist: Employment Law. Try it now while you can examine it at no risk … and receive ABSOLUTELY FREE an audio CD recording of our popular webinar, Personnel Records: What to Keep, What to Toss, plus two special bonus reports: Fire at Will: Terminating Your Employees Legally ... and, if you order within the next 3 days, Hire at Will. You’ll also get FREE access to our exclusive Employment Lawyer Network (read on for details) …

Personnel Records: What to Keep, What to Toss
This engaging, entertaining webinar recording, hosted by employment law attorney Cori Garland, explains recordkeeping requirements in light of the new laws and regulations. Plus, Cori describes the legally safe best practices for gathering, storing and destroying personnel records.

Fire At Will
From now on, managers can tell problematic employees to shape up or ship out – with no risk of winding up in court. There are ways to get rid of employees in almost any situation. The trick is how you do it. Fire at Will shows you simple techniques that give you an unassailable legal position. Make the laws work for you with this best-selling report.

Hire At Will
Hiring is just as risky as firing. That’s why we offer Hire at Will, so you can approach interviews and hiring with confidence. This companion to Fire at Will guides and advises you on what you can do – legally – to hire the people you want without fear of being sued.
Hurry! Our next issue goes to press shortly, and I’d like to get a copy in your hands so you can see why so many of your colleagues in management wouldn’t dream of being without our guidance and vigilance.
Pat DiDomenico
Editorial Director
Yes! I’m ready to protect myself and my organization from employment law threats.
P.S. Don’t forget: You’ll receive gift copies of Personnel Records: What to Keep, What to Toss; Fire at Will; and Hire at Will just for trying HR Specialist: Employment Law.
P.P.S. Want instant access to the nation’s top HR attorneys? HR Specialist: Employment Law plugs you into the Employment Lawyer Network – our unique list of leading legal minds from around the country.

And your risk for trying Employment Law? Zero.
That’s right, zero. Read the sample issue at right. Scrutinize it. See how each issue functions as a “warning light” to protect you from being legally blindsided. If it’s not for you, don’t worry about it. Just cancel and get a full 100% refund of every cent. That’s a personal promise from me.