What’s the worst part of your job? The part that requires you to be tough, sometimes even heartless? That can trigger multimillion-dollar legal nightmares? That never goes away?
It’s the performance review. Your HR staff and managers must administer it, once a year, to every employee. When it’s administered ineptly – and that happens all the time – you pay with staff and productivity headaches. And when it goes totally off the rails (that happens, too), we’re talking Lawsuit City. If there’s anything worse, I’d like to know what it is.
Because the hard truth is, performance reviews are just … difficult. In the hands of a softie, they lead to keeping deadwood on staff, while in the hands of an SOB, they can darn well get everyone sued – your organization, the people who work for you … and you yourself.
It would be so great to get this headache under control … ease your management burden … free yourself to concentrate on things that really matter.
And you can – for a price far lower than you might imagine. Spend the next 4 minutes and 41 seconds reading this … and discover how.

Yes! I’m ready to face new challenges with this expert advice. Rush me Performance Reviews: A Complete How-To Guide. I understand that if I’m not 100% satisfied, I can return it for a complete refund – no questions asked. On that basis, here’s my order.
- Help me master performance reviews!
Performance Reviews: A Complete How-to Guide is packed with the essentials you need to get your HR staff on track –
- Forms from basic to advanced – 26 of them
- 14 audits covering every facet of performance reviews
- Advice and guidance, tips and tricks
- And, icing on the cake, lawyer-tested cases and counsel.
Check out the advice right here, things all your HR people must know ...
Making the termination experience unnecessarily unpleasant. Courts and juries consistently come down on HR officials who commit this blunder. And even if you win in court, you lose, because defending against a claim takes tons of money and time.
The thing NEVER to say in a warning letter.
Don’t let HR people breathe a word about restrictions on how well the employee will be rated at evaluation time, especially if a bonus depends on the rating. A court held that such a restriction amounts to an adverse action (Goldfaden v. Wyeth Laboratories).
When good reviews aren’t good enough.
Courts often side with fired employees who can show years of positive reviews. Great way for HR to fight back: Show the firing had a legitimate business reason (Nemec v. Wal-Mart).
This is the sort of thing every HR person needs to know every time he or she conducts a performance review. The sort of thing you probably didn’t know because it’s not in your wheelhouse. That’s why Performance Reviews: A Complete How-To Guide is such a lifesaver … for you.
Let’s start with those forms. Those precious forms.
1. 360-Degree Performance Review (Employee Assessment of Manager)
2. Career Development Discussion Guide
3. Employee Pre-Appraisal Performance Assessment
4. Intermediate Performance Assessment
5. Letter for Performance Improvement Plan
6. Managerial Assessment
7. Managerial Self-Assessment
8. Model Performance Appraisal Form
9. Performance Appraisal Checklist
10. Performance Appraisal Follow-Up
11. Performance Evaluation for Non-Supervisory Employees
12. Performance Feedback Log
13. Performance Improvement Plan
14. Performance Management Audit
15. Performance Problem Analysis Guide
16. Pre-Interview Checklist for Employees
17. Pre-Performance Improvement Plan Written Warning
18. Problem Analysis and Corrective Action Plan
19. Progressive Appraisal Meeting Language
20. Sample Letter Announcing Upward Appraisal
21. Sample Performance Appraisal Interview Memo
22. Sample Policy on Performance Reviews
23. Self-Audit of the Appraisal Interview
24. Self-Evaluation
25. Statement of Employee Goals
26. Summary of Department Goals
The next time-and-effort-saver? The 14 audits you find within the covers of this fat three-ring binder. HR staff exists to help you get the most from every employee. These audits make that happen.
1. The Job Description
2 .Discrimination Check
3. Performance Standards
4. Evaluating ‘Intangible’ Traits
5. Measuring Expectations
6. Recording Performance
7. What to Include in Employee Logs
8. Rating Scales
9. Identifying Performance Problems
10. Anticipating the Review
11. Discussing Performance Problems
12. Avoiding Assessment Problems
13. Reducing the Risk of Bias
14. Solving Performance Problems

Yes! I’m ready to face new challenges with this expert advice. Rush me Performance Reviews: A Complete How-To Guide.
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Any HR person will tell you: The difficult conversation is the hardest part of the job. Performance Reviews: A Complete How-To Guide addresses this problem head-on, devoting an entire section to difficult conversations and what to do about them …
An employee is fired for dishonesty but protests that her strong work record should override the decision.
What YOUR people should do: Be sure discipline records show company policy was followed … avoid using a parental tone but don’t sugarcoat their words … and document, document, document.
Someone asks to check an employee’s work. The employee blows his top.
What YOUR people should do: Check his workload (maybe he’s overburdened) … remind others that manners matter … and put up posters for de-stressers such as meditation and yoga classes. Even if employees don’t sign up, they’ll get the message that HR cares.
You have a complainer on your hands.
What YOUR people should do: Consider adopting a “negativity” policy. Most employers never think of this, but Performance Reviews: A Complete How-to Guide even includes a sample policy.
See, we understand what you need to get the most from your staff. We ought to. We’ve been at this a long time – 81 years to be exact – helping executives like you achieve career excellence and the rewards that follow.
We know HR is one of the hottest potatoes on your plate, with issues that change every day. Gender discrimination, always a thorny one, gains force with the advent of #MeToo and #TimesUp … immigration policies that are the stuff of daily headlines trickle down into the workplace … and your workforce grows both younger and older at the same time.
That’s why Performance Reviews: A Complete How-To Guide features up-to-the-minute guidance – tips and tricks, help and hints, so every HR staffer can do the job right …
- Documenting Performance: 3 Important Lessons from the Courts
- 12 Performance Evaluation Traps to Avoid
- 9 Communication Best Practices for Conducting Performance Reviews
- How to Write Performance Goals: 10 Sample Phrases
- Using Performance Reviews to Get the Most from Employees
- Motivating Employees: 10-Step Model to Help Them Grow
- 5 Tips for Getting Maximum Benefit from Annual Evaluations
- Addressing Performance Problems: 8 Steps to Success
- 6 Tips for Creating Performance Logs
- 12 Performance-Review Pitfalls to Avoid
- And much more!
I think you see by now how Performance Reviews: A Complete How-To Guide can help you get more out of your HR staff … and simplify your life in the bargain.
But – I’m just guessing here – perhaps you’re also thinking that something this valuable could set you back a pretty penny.
Well, depends what you call a “pretty penny.” How does this sound?
Most important, it’s RISK-FREE.
Skim the table of contents. Flip to an issue that bedevils HR folks. The solution found there will be appropriate. I GUARANTEE IT.
If I’m off base, it’s on me. Put Performance Reviews: A Complete How-To Guide back in the box and return it at my expense. I’ll wipe the charge from your account – 100% of your money back – and never even ask for an explanation.

Yes! I’m ready to face new challenges with this expert advice. Rush me Performance Reviews: A Complete How-To Guide.
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You’ve wanted to be a leader, and now you are one, with the perks and pay that come with the job … and the headaches, too. You can choose to suffer in silence or … do something about them.
Starting with HR.
You’ll be arming HR staff with forms and audits they’d spend hours searching for in filing cabinets or on the Web … providing them with tips and advice that have helped other HR professionals deal with the stickiest situations … and supporting them with legal backup that could save your organization tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees, not to mention avert legal disasters that can cost in the millions.
And then there’s that NO-RISK GUARANTEE. That means you cover your exposed part.
You know what to do, so do it. Order now.
Pat DiDomenico
Editorial Director

Yes! I’m ready to face new challenges with this expert advice. Rush me Performance Reviews: A Complete How-To Guide.
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P.S. At the risk of repeating myself, allow me to reiterate our company-wide, all-products-all-services, air-tight guarantee. Here it is.
- Put the tips and advice to work. Performance Reviews: A Complete How-To Guide will quickly become the go-to reference every time HR staffers embark on a review.
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