Sure, you want your employee handbook to communicate your policies and procedures to your employees. But it must do one more thing that most HR professionals forget.
Your handbook must stand up in court and protect your company from a five-, six- or seven-figure jury award. Now yours will!

Yes! I want to save my company from a damaging lawsuit and deal with employees fairly and honestly. Please rush me Bullet-Proof Your Employee Handbook today. I understand that I can review my copy risk-free. If I’m not quickly plugging the legal risks in my handbook and clearing up misinterpretations of company policies for employees, you’ll refund my entire purchase price. No questions asked, and I’ll have no further obligation. On that basis, here’s my order.
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Dear HR Professional:
It may seem that no matter how hard you work on getting your employee handbook right, an employee always comes along and challenges it.
You may think everything is clearly stated in black and white, but a disgruntled employee finds a way to misinterpret the company’s position on a policy or procedure.
Then they find a lawyer and the real headache begins. Interrogatories. Depositions. Trial. And your time and money just get sucked down the legal rabbit hole.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. Not when you can write an employee handbook where even a jury would love to take your side.
All you need to keep your company out of court – and an employee from even thinking of filing a lawsuit – is this one comprehensive how-to guide, Bullet-Proof Your Employee Handbook.

Now I can write the toughest, fairest employee handbook for my company … easily deal with disgruntled employees … and avoid any legal challenge to company policies and procedures.
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A Plaintiff’s Lawyer’s #1 Piece of Evidence
In today’s litigious environment, your employee handbook is often the first place a plaintiff’s lawyer will look to prove his case.
In fact, employee handbooks were the major piece of evidence in 600 state cases and 200 federal cases just last year! But don’t worry. This won’t be you.
That’s because you can keep your company out of court with the information you’ll discover in Bullet-Proof Your Employee Handbook. Take a look …
- What does “at-will” mean today? Not what you think … with courts whittling away your important employer rights. Here’s what you need to know.
- 5 disclaimers every employee handbook should contain. Miss just one and you’re a target for disgruntled employees … and their lawyers.
- The “loopholes” courts are using to side with employees. Hurry and plug them fast!
- Why a “dusty” employee handbook will expose you to more lawsuits. Don’t let an employee’s lawyer get hold of one … or you’re done for. What you must do to survive.
- What should be missing from your employee handbook. Top employment lawyers spill their 8 best secrets for avoiding litigation. Can you afford not to know this?
- 12 common handbook mistakes to get a plaintiff’s lawyer salivating. Simple errors you can quickly correct to save you from a legal nightmare.
- Why a jury’s reading skills could be the difference between a win and a loss in court. Your handbook is often the key piece of evidence. Make sure it’s written this way.
- You’re in the clear once you distribute your handbook, right? Wrong! To avoid a lawsuit, do this one simple thing next. Takes just one minute but can save you hours of legal bills.
- 32 topics essential for an iron-clad handbook no lawsuit can penetrate. Which ones are you missing?
- And much more …
Imagine how much your boss will appreciate you when you save the company from a five- or six-figure payout … or even better, stop a lawsuit from even starting. Bullet-Proof Your Employee Handbook is the one resource that can help you do this.

Now I can write the toughest, fairest employee handbook for my company … easily deal with disgruntled employees … and avoid any legal challenge to company policies and procedures.
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How to Stop a Lawsuit Cold … and Save Your Company Thousands of Dollars (Perhaps Even Hundreds of Thousands)!
Is your handbook missing something, contradicting another policy, saying too much, using confusing language, over-promising … or worse, simply out-of-date?
If you said yes to any one of these or you’re simply not sure, don’t beat yourself up.
Bullet-Proof Your Employee Handbook will quickly have you shutting down any plaintiff’s lawyer from even filing a lawsuit or taking a single deposition. And if a case should get to court, your handbook will be so clear and effective, a jury will quickly find for you.
You’ll find countless ways to protect your company from a lawsuit, such as …
- The simple slip of the tongue you must never, ever say out loud to an employee. Your handbook is instantly null and void.
- Don’t fall into the “probation” trap. Is it 30, 60 or 90 days? Doesn’t matter. Say this one word and you’ll never be rid of a troublesome employee.
- The devil’s in the details! Beware the impulse to spell out this common work policy. You could unwittingly limit your rights to fire. Do this instead.
- The best positioning for your disclaimer in your handbook. If an employee doesn’t see it, it can go against you in court. So make sure you put it here.
- What to do when a supervisor makes a promise to an employee he can’t keep. Sure, train him better, but this one sentence in your handbook keeps you safe from a lawsuit.
- You can’t make a company rule forbidding free speech, right? Wrong! 4 areas you can absolutely ban employees from talking about. Perfectly legal, too.
- The latest disturbing trend in court rulings. What you must know to bullet-proof your handbook.
- Examples of bad policy wordings ... and how to fix them.
- And so much more!
Don’t let one simple mistake or omission lead you down the path to a nasty lawsuit. It’s costly and time-consuming … not to mention embarrassing if the papers get a hold of it.
An employee lawsuit can quickly damage your company’s reputation … and your bottom line.
But by following the vital information you’ll find in Bullet-Proof Your Employee Handbook, you can avoid lawsuits (and the threats of lawsuits) and produce the clear, concise policies your employees will appreciate.

Now I can write the toughest, fairest employee handbook for my company … easily deal with disgruntled employees … and avoid any legal challenge to company policies and procedures.
- Send me my no-risk copy today!
It’s Never Been Easier to Write and Update Your Employee Handbook
Whether you have one employee or thousands, as an HR professional you need an up-to-date handbook that clearly states your company’s culture, benefits, policies, procedures and more.
Plus, you need to write it in a way that protects your company’s legal rights and responsibilities. It’s perhaps the most challenging task you have.
Because you know just the one small mistake you accidentally make can cost your company a lot of time, aggravation and money! It’s why we want to help you.
You’ll find such critical tips like these in your copy of Bullet-Proof Your Employee Handbook …
- A step-by-step plan to update your handbook. You won’t miss a thing with this fool-proof approach.
- Your handbook is revised and updated. Now what? Common-sense tasks for a positive roll-out of your handbook.
- This simple format change can thwart an angry employee. You won’t believe how ridiculously easy this is … but it can save you from a serious lawsuit.
- The cheapest way to update your employee handbook. Save tons of printing costs with these 3 cost-saving measures.
- Important news for government contractors! 4 EXTRA notices you are required to provide your employees … or face stiff fines and messy lawsuits.
- A simple wording trick to keep union organizers out of your company. It’s a subtle change in your “at-will” disclaimer but stops unions cold.
- Attention, union shops! 4 ways you MUST acknowledge the unions in your handbook … or risk a grievance.
- Neat trick to spot conflicting policies. Do it quickly before a disgruntled employee finds it first!
- And so much more!

Now I can write the toughest, fairest employee handbook for my company … easily deal with disgruntled employees … and avoid any legal challenge to company policies and procedures.
- Send me my no-risk copy today!
Save the Day with Your Best Employee Handbook Ever!
You’ll be surprised at how quickly you can make positive changes to your own employee handbook once you’ve read Bullet-Proof Your Employee Handbook.
You’ll be able to find the legal risks hidden in your handbook and close them before a plaintiff’s lawyer can get their hands on them. Plus, the money you’ll save the company on legal expenses and lawsuits may put you in a better position for that raise, bonus or promotion you’ve been eyeing.
For what it would cost you to talk to a lawyer for about 10 minutes, you can get your own copy of Bullet-Proof Your Employee Handbook. And if you can save your company from an embarrassing and costly lawsuit … well, there’s no putting a price on that.
And what fun will it be to tell a plaintiff’s lawyer threatening your company with a lawsuit to “Get lost!”
So don’t wait. With our 100% Money-Back Guarantee, you have nothing to lose, except legal headaches you don’t need.
Pat DiDomenico
Editorial Director

Now I can write the toughest, fairest employee handbook for my company … easily deal with disgruntled employees … and avoid any legal challenge to company policies and procedures.
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P.S. Download your copy NOW! Don’t wait another moment to be without this valuable, money-saving guide. You can download a copy of Bullet-Proof Your Employee Handbook instantly. Or we’ll be happy to send you a hard copy in the mail. Whatever works best for you.
P.P.S. And remember, your order is completely risk-FREE! If, after 30 days, you’re not happy with the quality and accuracy of the information … and you haven’t found countless ways to improve and strengthen your employee handbook against any possible lawsuit, then call us. We’ll refund every penny of your purchase price. No questions asked. For your peace of mind, order your copy today!