HR Forms & Documents Library

Save countless hours – and stay out of court.

Can you reduce the amount of paperwork required of an HR professional? Unfortunately, no. Can you slash the time you spend on paperwork? Absolutely! The HR Forms & Documents Library helps you cover all your bases and protect against litigation, too.

A full 250 documents on one CD! All customizable – it's your library.

  • Yes, I want to create all the customized documents I need without reinventing the wheel every time. Send me the HR Forms & Documents Library on CD. I'll examine it risk-free, and if it doesn't help me from day one, I'll return it and you'll refund my entire purchase price.
Send me 250 documents on a single disc.

Dear Colleague:

Sometimes it seems like you have to document everything.

No wonder: You do! There’s paperwork for every personnel action, and for complying with every law and regulation the government can dream up.

Yes, HR professionals have more paperwork than ever. Even if you simply write a letter or send a memo, you probably have to attach some form of documentation.

But now help is here. Just pop a single CD, the HR Forms & Documents Library, into your computer, and you’ll have 250 essential HR docs at your fingertips. Use them verbatim, or edit them, save them and reuse them however you please. This library becomes your personal, customized resource, growing more valuable every time you use it.

At last, no more starting from scratch to create documents. And no searching online for government forms (good luck with that). Your library will drastically reduce the time you spend on paperwork … the headaches that come with it … and your organization’s legal risk as well.

Your 100% Money-Back Guarantee

  • Send me the HR Forms & Documents Library right now. I'll check out the 250 documents on this CD and begin putting them to work. If I don't start saving time immediately … if I don't love how this complete library lifts a huge burden from my shoulders … I'll take advantage of your no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.
Send me 250 documents on a single disc.

What’s up? Docs! Over 250 of ’em, packed onto the single CD that brings you the entire HR Forms & Documents Library.

We’re all used to computers these days, and we take for granted the information they store so easily. But you’ll be amazed at how many documents – how much help for you – are stored on the single, convenient CD that holds your HR Forms & Documents Library.

Glance through the subject headings for an idea of how comprehensive your library will be:

  • Benefits. Including dozens of documents on COBRA, ERISA, FMLA, HIPAA and more. Talk about specific: The library even gives you a Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act Privacy Statement.
  • Discipline and Performance Issues. Absenteeism, employee attitudes and complaints, performance appraisals (27 documents here alone), substance abuse and theft.
  • Discrimination. ADA, ADEA, EPA, sexual harassment, Title VII and discrimination based on national origin, race, religion and sex.
  • HR Forms & Documents LibraryHiring. Includes background checks, conviction records, employee orientation, applications, contracts, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), interviewing, pre-employment testing, job listings, references and how to respond to applicants.
  • Leave. This subject has gotten tricky. We help you cope with general leave, FMLA and the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA).
  • Payroll and Compensation. Management of payroll, expense reimbursement, compensation and independent contractors (be careful with that last one or you risk big fines and legal damages).
  • Record-keeping Documents. This section tells you what you’re required to keep, then helps you do it, from the company property checklist to an employee’s request to inspect a personnel file.
  • Safety & Health. Here’s an area where you really can’t afford to mess up (too many legal ramifications). Get what you need to document injuries, accidents and illnesses for OSHA … safety and health hazards … material safety data … drug testing … substance abuse … violence … and workers’ comp.
  • Termination. There’s plenty of HR tension around this subject. Reduce it with proper documentation on notifications, reductions in force, layoffs, releases, procedures and exit interviews. Also, employment at will, an important right you and your organization need to protect.
  • Training. An employee training evaluation questionnaire, and even a training suggestion form. This library is complete!

Your 100% Money-Back Guarantee

  • Send me the HR Forms & Documents Library right now. I'll check out the 250 documents on this CD and begin putting them to work. If I don't start saving time immediately … if I don't love how this complete library lifts a huge burden from my shoulders … I'll take advantage of your no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.
Send me 250 documents on a single disc.

With such a wealth of information, it’s a good thing the HR Forms & Documents Library includes an easy, intuitive index. This alphabetized index helps you find docs on any subject. For example:

  • Absenteeism. The index pinpoints the document you need, whether your problem is how to handle leave or how to proceed with termination.
  • Conflict of interest. Worried about loyalty? Have the right document ready when you’re hiring.
  • Critical incidents. Have an employee who’s constantly moaning, groaning and bad-mouthing superiors? Deal with it under discipline/performance issues.
  • Drug testing. A sensitive area with huge legal implications. Find help in hiring and safety & health.
  • HR Forms & Documents LibraryEmployment status. One of the basics. Covered under record-keeping documents.
  • Expenses. Rein ’em in with the docs in payroll & compensation.
  • Immigration. One of the hot issues covered under hiring.
  • Insurance. Among the most important topics in benefits.
  • OSHA. Be ready with the docs in safety & health when someone shows up and says, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.”
  • Rejection letter. There’s a right way and wrong way. Why open yourself to litigation? Use the sample letter in hiring.
  • Sexual harassment. This topic is a minefield. The documents in discrimination tell you how to proceed safely.
  • Telecommuting. More important than ever. Details in benefits.
  • Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN). Still more regulations for you to comply with. Good thing it’s covered in termination.

Your 100% Money-Back Guarantee

  • Send me the HR Forms & Documents Library right now. I'll check out the 250 documents on this CD and begin putting them to work. If I don't start saving time immediately … if I don't love how this complete library lifts a huge burden from my shoulders … I'll take advantage of your no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.
Send me 250 documents on a single disc.

You already have 250+ reasons for ordering the HR Forms & Documents Library: the docs themselves. Now consider the kicker: reducing your company’s legal risk.

If this CD only saved you time – a lot of time – it would be worth its weight in gold (and then some). But having correct, complete documentation also protects you against liability.

You simply cannot afford to let any paperwork fall through the cracks. The stakes are too high, from two standpoints: the threat of triggering employment law violations, and the threat of whopping lawsuits from employees.

In both cases, the best defense is a good offense: documentation that proves you comply with every law and every procedure required. The ultimate victory is when nobody even thinks about taking action against you – not the feds, not your state, not your employees.

Add those legal benefits to the countless hours you’ll save by having all the documents you need at your fingertips, and ordering the HR Forms & Documents Library becomes the easiest decision you’ll make all week.

Remember, there is absolutely no risk. If you are dissatisfied for any reason, I insist you ask for a full refund. You’ll receive it promptly, with no questions asked in return.

But frankly, I can’t remember the last time anyone sent back the HR Forms & Documents Library. As soon as you put the CD in your computer and load the documents onto your hard drive, you’ll begin appreciating their value. And that value keeps appreciating as you customize your library over time.

Why not start saving time today?


Phillip A. Ash

Your 100% Money-Back Guarantee

  • Send me the HR Forms & Documents Library right now. I'll check out the 250 documents on this CD and begin putting them to work. If I don't start saving time immediately … if I don't love how this complete library lifts a huge burden from my shoulders … I'll take advantage of your no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.
Send me 250 documents on a single disc.

P.S. I suppose there could be someone out there who enjoys creating hundreds of HR documents and knows how to craft the precise language that helps protect against liability.

But unless you are that most unusual person, I respectfully suggest that the HR Forms & Documents Library will help you create better documents than you could create yourself, while saving you vast amounts of time.

After all, the profession is called Human Resources, not Paperwork Resources. How do you prefer to spend your day?

Order now!