The hardest part of managing people is...

The people.

Dear Manager:

Working with difficult people can be… well, difficult.

There's the power player who sees manipulation as a tool for success. The credit grabber who steals all your best ideas. The underachiever who resists making even the smallest effort at productivity. The control freak who won't stop micro-managing.

It's tempting to quit, but you know that no matter where you work, you'll run into "challenging" personalities.

It's enough to make you scream, "How can I work with these jerks?!"

There's no escape from difficult people, but there is a way to lessen the pain. Coping with troublesome personalities is a skill you can learn – if you're willing to make the effort.

Difficult People at Work is our best-selling Special Report designed to help you identify and survive the 24 most common (and most exasperating) personality types you'll ever encounter on the job. It will show you how to cut the headaches, increase your productivity and find yourself more in control than you ever dreamed possible.

Get your copy of Difficult People at Work

Find out what makes the Tyrant tick … how to put a Putdown Artist in her place … how to cope with a Coaster … and how to sidestep a Saboteur.

Learn how to handle every type of trying colleague to minimize stress and diminish any potential impact they might have on your career.

Just a few pages into Difficult People at Work, you'll see why so many of our customers love it. And for a limited time, we're making it available to you at no cost when you try a subscription to Managing People at Work.

Managing People at Work was created especially for people like you – managers with teams to oversee, morale to build and deadlines to meet. People who need answers fast, and help at their fingertips.

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After all, no one was born knowing how to manage people. And they're definitely not born knowing how to keep difficult people in line.

Twice a month, Managing People at Work provides advice and counsel to managers who need better ways to motivate, energize and steer their teams in the right direction. That advice comes straight from the front lines, from managers who have already seen it succeed. Take a look at a sample issue to see everything you get from Managing People at Work.

Of course, it's not enough just to recognize which difficult personalities you're dealing with. You also need to get all those troublemakers on track. That's why we're also offering a free copy of our webinar recording Coaching Skills for Managers & Supervisors to new subscribers.

Your coaching skills are key to helping your employees become their most productive selves. And since no two employees are the same, you can't apply your skill set to your whole team in the same way. Different kinds of challenging employees mean you need a bigger toolbox of coaching methods.

Get your free copy of Coaching Skills for Managers & Supervisors

Workplace coaching expert Marie McIntyre, Ph.D., has seen every kind of problem employee, and she has a technique for handling each of them. She'll help you guide and motivate everyone on your team – no matter how difficult – with Coaching Skills for Managers & Supervisors.

Try a risk-free subscription to Managing People at Work and we'll send you both Difficult People at Work and Coaching Skills for Managers & Supervisors at no cost. With the guidance from our newsletter and the tips in this Special Report and recording, you'll have your trouble-making employees back in line in no time.

But that's not all. Subscribe to Managing People at Work for two years and we'll also send you Tough Talks: Scripts & Strategies for Difficult Employee Discussions. It's not just important to know what to say to your challenging workers – you also need to know how to say it. In this webinar recording, Paul Falcone, author of 101 Tough Conversations to Have With Employees, arms you with tools to tackle even the most awkward conversations.

Get your free copy of Tough Talks: Scripts & Strategies for Difficult Employee Discussions

You're never going to have a team of perfect employees who complete every task with a smile and work together in complete harmony. But you can handle your trickiest troublemakers in ways that will actually have positive results – and that make you look even better as a manager.

Use Managing People at Work as your personal mentor, so you can be a better coach to your team. Try a risk-free subscription today.



Pat DiDomenico, Editorial Director

P.S. Subscribe in the next five days and I'll throw in a fourth free bonus, Keep Negativity from Infecting Your Workplace. Finding the bad apple on your team before he or she can poison everyone else will go a long way toward developing a positive atmosphere. This popular webinar recording dives deep into one of the most damaging personality types you'll encounter as a manager. Like the other bonuses, it's yours FREE with your subscription to Managing People at Work.

P.P.S. . If you're ever dissatisfied with Managing People at Work – at any time, for any reason – just let us know and we'll give you a full refund. You'll even get to keep your free bonuses. That's why there's no risk to trying a subscription.