Coaching Skills for Managers & Supervisors

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Since no one is born knowing how to be a coach, managers must learn the specific skills and techniques required to handle challenges effectively.

When staff members become unproductive, unmotivated, or disruptive, a manager’s first thought should be, “How do I get things back on track?” The answer to that question almost always involves coaching.

Management guru Marie G. McIntyre, Ph.D., will help you learn when coaching is needed and why managers sometimes avoid these conversations. Get specific strategies for conducting a successful coaching discussion, dealing with difficult employees, and following up to ensure success.

Register now for Marie’s webinar Coaching Skills for Managers & Supervisors on March 26!

Marie will cover:


  • The 5 most common coaching roadblocks
  • 7 specific causes of employee performance issues
  • 5 coaching challenges: Newbies, Androids, Power Grabbers, Clingers, and Divas
  • How managers sometimes contribute to performance problems
  • The 10-step formula for an effective coaching discussion
  • Following up: the secret to coaching success
  • When coaching doesn’t work: Slackers, Square Pegs, and Poisonous People
  • And much more!