How to Effectively Hire and Manage Remote Employees

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The office is no longer the center of the universe, which means
managers and supervisors are facing new challenges.

Remote employees don't need micro-management, but they do need to be held accountable. They must know what is expected, have the right tools and be given regular coaching. And it's important to know how to hire people who are the best at working remotely.

How do you know employees are working… and not tweeting? And should you care? How can you track their progress? What’s the best way to give them feedback?

Management expert Jay Forte can help your management team become masters at coaching and dealing with their far-flung employees.

Register now to attend his webinar How to Effectively Hire and Manage Remote Employees on March 14!

Jay will help you discover how to:


  • Identify candidates who are a good fit to successfully work remotely
  • Create metric-based performance expectations that hold employees – both local and remote – accountable for their performance (using a “Performance Expectations” worksheet)
  • Correctly give ongoing feedback and coaching to remote employees
  • Give effective and realistic performance reviews to your remote workers
  • Measure remote employees' performance daily, weekly and monthly
  • Help remote employees feel “connected” to the company and other co-workers