Termination Workshop: How to Fire
Without Lawsuits or Drama

Register Now!

Just one mistake during the firing process can spark years of litigation.

Terminations are the most stressful and legally dangerous moment for any HR professional or manager.

A discipline error, documentation slip-up or the wrong words at the termination meeting could spell trouble.

Plus, you have to deal with the emotional fallout … risk of violence … and co-worker response.

Put an end to termination anxiety with Termination Workshop: How to Fire Without Lawsuits or Drama. Register now for this February 1 webinar!

Attorney Anniken Davenport provides a clear explanation of what HR and supervisors must do to prepare for and carry out a termination. She’ll give you definitive, practical guidance on:


  • The best way for supervisors to document discipline and performance to support legal terminations
  • The correct step-by-step protocol for termination meetings (where, when, with who and what to say)
  • What must ALWAYS be said during a termination … and what must NEVER be said
  • Simple words that ease tension and prevent arguments and violence during the firing
  • What extra care to take if the employee has made a discrimination complaint
  • And much more!