Conflict, Criticism & Sensitive Subjects: How to Talk About Difficult Topics at Work

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Learn specific strategies for discussing sensitive issues with
co-workers, employees and management.

Because difficult conversations can feel uncomfortable and hazardous, we tend to avoid having them.

However, delaying the discussion often makes the situation worse, sometimes resulting in serious business problems.

The secret to successfully handling these tough topics is learning to talk about them in the right way.

Join communication expert Marie G. McIntyre, Ph.D., on Tuesday, February 12, for your guide to handling tough topics. Register now for Conflict, Criticism & Sensitive Subjects: How to Talk About Difficult Topics at Work.

Marie’s practical, down-to-earth advice is based on years of experience as a manager, HR director and consultant. Her webinar will cover:


  • 7 questions you must answer before having a difficult conversation
  • Three different "road maps" for talking with bosses, coworkers and employees
  • 6 reasons why tough topics can be intimidating
  • Reducing defensiveness by anticipating disagreements and focusing on facts
  • Staying on track: how to avoid arguments and encourage collaborative problem-solving
  • Agreeing on solutions and action steps: a sure sign of success
  • Learning to recognize when "letting it go" is the best strategy
  • And much more!