The Magnetic Manager: Becoming the
Best Boss You Can Be

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When was the last time you really worked on your management skills?

The No. 1 reason employees leave is the way they’re supervised. As the saying goes, “People join companies, but leave managers.”

You can keep your great people on board and happy by learning the secret of becoming a “magnetic manager.”

Create a culture that naturally attracts and retains the best! Employee retention expert Mel Kleiman will show you how in The Magnetic Manager: Becoming the Best Boss You Can Be.

Mel’s expertise and creative insights give HR and managers dozens of new ideas about how to select and retain quality people. Gather your management team and learn:


  • Easy ways to make your organization an “employer of choice”
  • The Five Firsts (and how to do them right): First hour, end of the first day, end of the first week, first paycheck and first-year anniversary
  • How to manage people the way they want to be managed
  • Why and how to “communicate, communicate, communicate”
  • Ways to create a culture of accountability and respect
  • And much more!