Electronic HR & Business Records: Compliance and Best Practices Workshop

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Could your organization survive a million-dollar penalty for
electronic record mismanagement?

These days, more than 70% of company records are stored electronically. Those e-records can be your best legal friend …
or your worst enemy.

You MUST be 100% confident that your organization is retaining email, text messages, personnel info and other electronic HR and business records in full compliance with the law.

A workplace compliance expert will show you how with Electronic HR & Business Records: Compliance and Best Practices Workshop.

Speaker Nancy Flynn provides training and consulting services to clients seeking to minimize compliance risks and maximize communication skills. In Electronic HR & Business Records, she covers:


  • 7 steps to ensure the effective, compliant management of electronic business records
  • How social media and mobile devices maximize record risks—and how to respond
  • What courts and regulators demand when it comes to retention and disposition
  • Best practices for preserving, protecting and producing lawful electronically stored information
  • How to write effective policies governing record retention, email, mobile devices and more
  • And much more!