Timekeeping and Payroll Recordkeeping: Legal Compliance in a Post-Pandemic World
Since the start of the pandemic, it's been more important than ever to correctly track employees' work time and keep accurate records of those hours and minutes.
Why? Most of the COVID-related relief provided to employers has been payroll-related. And all that paid emergency leave for employees depends on proper documentation … theirs and yours. Plus, the spike in layoffs and wage cuts adds another layer of records complexity – and potential liability.
The trend: Employees aren't shy about exploiting your mistakes. Wage-and-hour lawsuits have exploded nationwide, up 400% in the past 15 years, fueled by new rules and sloppy recordkeeping. And employees working from home now are only going to add to that increase.
Even worse, a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling gives you fresh incentive to keep immaculate time records (employees can now use "sampling" to justify their timekeeping lawsuits).
On Wednesday, July 1, join payroll expert Alice Gilman, Esq., the editor of Payroll Legal Alert, for our timely webinar, Timekeeping and Payroll Recordkeeping: Legal Compliance in a Post-Pandemic World.
You'll discover:
- The specific records your books need to show if employees took paid leave or your organization took pandemic-related payroll loans or tax credits
- What the DOL and IRS are looking for now in your time and pay records … and how to minimize the damage of your mistakes
- Best practices in tracking time (paper? electronic?) for different types of employees – exempt/nonexempts, telecommuters, etc.
- The smartest timekeeping system for remote employees
- The one common misstep in correcting time records that will make you a DOL target
- How to legally respond when faced with missing, inaccurate or incomplete records
- How to spot errors in your timekeeping, including the 3 most common causes of unpaid working time and the 2 FLSA safe harbors that can save you
- Which records you must retain – and for how long
- Plus, get answers to all your own questions about timekeeping and recordkeeping from a payroll superlawyer!
Bottom line: Any tax audit or wage & hour audit depends on the quality of your records. Bad records will sink you every time. And the new COVID-related payroll rules make compliance more complex and legally risky.
On July 1, join Alice to learn (in plain English) how you can master this core HR responsibility – and keep you and your organization out of court!
Pat DiDomenico, Editorial Director
Payroll Legal Alert
P.S. Registration Bonuses. Everyone who signs up will receive a copy of our 2020 Payroll Checklist. This 15-page, step-by-step compliance guide will notify you of each deadline and action item required for every pay period, month and calendar quarter of 2020. You'll also receive A Manager's Guide to Lawsuit-Free Documentation, a 19-page report that can help you train your management team to create a paper trail that won't land you in court.
P.P.S. Extra Added Bonus. You'll also get a full month of access to PayrollLegalAlert.com – our exclusive, members-only website. Our helpful articles, forms, tables and charts will help you improve every aspect of your payroll operation – and your website also includes the comprehensive Payroll Compliance Handbook. So that you continue to benefit from PayrollLegalAlert.com, we'll continue your access automatically for just $89 per quarter, until you tell us "no, thanks" – your choice.
P.P.P.S. We promise you'll be satisfied. If Timekeeping & Payroll Recordkeeping fails to meet your needs in any way, we will refund 100% of your tuition – no hassles, no questions asked. Your conference materials, website access and registration bonuses are yours to keep.
About Your Speaker:

Alice Gilman, Esq., is an expert in payroll and tax compliance who has covered payroll issues for more than 26 years. She's written and edited several leading payroll publications, including Payroll Legal Alert, the Research Institute of America's Payroll Guide, the American Payroll Association's Basic Guide to Payroll and the Payroll Manager's Letter.
Credit Hours:

The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.
- Wednesday, July 1st
- 1 - 2:15 p.m. ET
- 10 -11:15 a.m. PT
Since this is a webinar, you and your entire staff can attend in the comfort of your office or conference room for one low price! You may include as many people as you wish while listening on a single phone line or computer. Contact us for multi-site discounts.