Dealing with Workplace Bullying:
How to Control the Perpetrators, Coach the Victims & Avoid Legal Pitfalls

Bullying35% of the American workforce has been bullied. And the most common employer reaction is to deny (25%) and discount (16%) the bullying.

When employees complain about “workplace bullying,” managers and HR are often confused about how to respond. Could this be harassment that requires a legal response? Is the employee using the term to describe a colleague who is simply annoying?

In most cases, workplace bullying is subtle and difficult to recognize. To deal with these issues effectively, managers must first differentiate true bullying from lesser forms of workplace aggravation. They should also recognize that bullying is a game that requires two players: dominators aggressively attempt to intimidate, while victims meekly comply.

Left unchecked, bullying can result in reduced productivity, increased turnover and serious legal problems. To break this unhealthy cycle, both parties need coaching on appropriate workplace relationships.

In Dealing with Workplace Bullying, two experts explain how to identify bullying behavior, respond with appropriate coaching strategies and avoid legal complaints.

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Legal Alert: Plaintiffs’ lawyers are beginning to use existing causes of action to turn bullying behavior into legal claims against employers. Even more importantly, employee groups have launched legislative efforts in statehouses around the country to create a more comprehensive legal claim.

You'll discover:

  • Workplace bullying: What it is & what it isn't
  • How an office is different from a schoolyard
  • 6 signs that you might have a bullying problem
  • Bullies vs. jerks: Four specific bullying behaviors
  • Understanding the dominator/victim relationship
  • Abuse of power: The worst form of bullying
  • Controlling the dominators: Expectations & boundaries
  • Coaching the victims: Assertiveness & role models
  • Using group coaching to heal fractured teams
  • The problem of rogue managers & toxic executives
  • How to protect yourself against current legal claims
  • What you need to know about proposed anti-bullying legislation

Federal legislation that makes “bullying” illegal in the workplace could open a legal can of worms that would generate thousands of new lawsuits.

Don’t let bullying be the elephant in the room at your workplace. Find out how to control the perpetrators and avoid legal pitfalls.


Pat DiDomenico
Editorial Director, Business Management Daily

P.S. Your satisfaction is unconditionally guaranteed. If Dealing with Workplace Bullying fails to meet your needs, we will refund every penny you paid — no hassles, no questions asked.

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Dealing with Workplace Bullying

About Your Speakers:

Marie McIntyreMarie G. McIntyre, Ph.D. has more than 20 years' experience as a manager, business owner and the HR director at a Fortune 500 company. She's authored two business books, writes a nationwide newspaper weekly advice column and is founder of Her coaching clients include The Home Depot, Tyson Foods, Panasonic, AT&T, Cisco and other major organizations.


Michael FoxMichael W. Fox has 35 years of experience representing employers in court, drafting employment law policies and teaching HR professionals how to stay out of court. He practices employment law at the Austin, Texas, office of Ogletree Deakins and has been called as an expert witness to testify before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. Mike launched the nation's first employment-law-related blog, Jottings By An Employer's Lawyer, and is the editor of the HR Specialist: Texas Employment Law newsletter. He is a regular trainer on employment law issues and has been regularly listed in the Best Lawyers in America in Labor and Employment Law.

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