What you don't know about the FMLA can definitely hurt you. Get trained!
You already know that noncompliance with the Family and Medical Leave Act can hurt your organization. But did you know the Act also includes individual liability? Yes, you and your personal assets are at risk. All the more reason to follow the guidelines you'll learn in FMLA Training for Supervisors.
This audio-visual training CD is ideal for solo or group training.
- Yes, I want to protect my organization and myself, while treating employees according to the rules. Send me FMLA Training for Supervisors. I'll review the audio-visual CD risk-free. If it's anything less than promised, I'll return it and you'll refund my entire purchase price.
Dear Colleague:
Call the Family and Medical Leave Act what it is: a minefield.
One misstep on your part, and the FMLA can trigger serious consequences for your organization and yourself. Just say or do one thing that’s against the complex rules, and you’re taking a big risk.
That doesn’t mean you’re helpless. There are still circumstances where you can terminate an employee on FMLA leave. And you can hold employees to certain obligations as well, such as regarding how and when they notify you about needing leave.
But how can you know the rules, the consequences, the circumstances, the obligations, the dangers? By taking advantage of FMLA Training for Supervisors.
In less than an hour, the slides and audio on this interactive training CD will help any supervisor master the FMLA essentials.
The full program includes:
- A 25-step course that explains in plain English the rules on everything from employees’ basic FMLA rights to qualifying reasons for leave to rules for reinstatement of a returning employee. (It also includes the changes made in 2009 to FMLA regulations.)
- 3 quizzes for supervisors: employee eligibility, notification requirements for employees and a final quiz to confirm your overall learning.
- 3 PDF guides – a User’s Guide, Discussion Guide and Participant’s Guide – to complete, expand upon and reinforce the training. PDF versions on the CD will allow you to print all the copies you ever need.
I need to know how to sidestep potential FMLA disasters before they threaten my organization.
- All of our managers need to know this important stuff. Send FMLA Training for Supervisors right away. With your no-risk guarantee, I can return the materials and get all my money back, no questions asked.
Are employees more knowledgeable about FMLA than ever? You bet they are. That’s why managers and supervisors need to be armed with every bit of knowledge offered in FMLA Training for Supervisors.
As you know, there are plenty of legitimate reasons for employees to take leave. But some employees try to manipulate the system, or outright abuse it. And even with good employees, you need to know what’s allowed and what isn’t under FMLA rules.
That’s why FMLA Training for Supervisors is a must. Because every supervisor needs to know:
- The FMLA basic coverage rules. An employee needs 12 months of employment – you already knew
that. But must they be consecutive months? And what if a leave of absence spans the employee’s one-year anniversary?
- Eligibility requirements. Exactly who is a “family member”?
- The proper response to a leave request. With 3 mistakes to avoid.
- Notification and certification requirements. Are supervisors allowed to call a health care provider to verify certification?
- The rules for intermittent and reduced schedule leave. What rights do supervisors have to ease the burden on other staff and avoid operational disruptions?
- Reinstatement requirements. How is “equivalent position” defined?
Amazingly, FMLA Training for Supervisors packs all this information and more into less than an hour of interactive training. A printed Participant’s Guide allows supervisors easy reference whenever needed.
This training program provides two ways to learn:
Solo training, with individual supervisors taking the course on their computers. When one person finishes the CD, he or she simply passes it along – perfect for when supervisors’ schedules are in conflict. But if you can gather people together, try …
Group training, to get even more out of the course from participation and feedback. The Discussion Guide for group leaders offers suggestions for lively engagement, and the User’s Guide gives you four helpful documents for organizing a group session: invitation memo, attendance roster, proof of attendance form and certificate of participation. You’ll have every tool you need to encourage supervisors to make the most of this training.
I need to know how to sidestep potential FMLA disasters before they threaten my organization.
- FMLA is a tough subject, but it sounds like your program makes it easy to understand. Send me FMLA Training for Supervisors.
It’s your choice: Follow the rules or face the consequences. Make sure you keep FMLA Training for Supervisors close at hand.
Even supervisors can bristle at having to follow rules. But there are some rules you don’t want to bend – because if you break them, they can break you.
FMLA rules are like that. High stakes, high impact, high risk. So FMLA Training for Supervisors helps you follow the law to the letter, thanks to:
- 5 qualifying reasons for FMLA leave. Birth of a child? Of course. But did you know placement of a foster child also qualifies?
5 factors in chronic conditions. How often? How long? Continuing or episodic?
- 4 qualifications for leave for pregnancy and bonding. Is care by a health care provider required during the period of absence? Can the father take bonding leave?
- 8 qualifying exigencies due to military deployment to a foreign country. Childcare, legal arrangements, counseling, rest and recuperation and more.
- 3 rules for military caregiver leave. Active members are covered; how about veterans?
- 8 employee notice obligations. How much information is sufficient to put the employer on notice? Must the employee mention FMLA?
- 4 rules for timing of employee notices. When do your organization’s customary leave procedures apply? When does FMLA supersede them?
- 3 rules for intermittent leave. Both employee and employer have rights and obligations here.
The training also addresses how to run your department in an employee’s absence under FMLA leave. How do you handle staffing issues – hire a temp, reassign duties? What about complaints of unfairness from others? Or questions about the employee’s condition?
I need to know how to sidestep potential FMLA disasters before they threaten my organization.
- There’s more to FMLA rules than I realized. Better send FMLA Training for Supervisors. With your no-risk guarantee, I can’t lose.
Fooling around with federal law is too risky. You simply must learn to comply with FMLA, and there’s no better, easier way than FMLA Training for Supervisors. Try it and see for yourself.
It’s no surprise that FMLA is complicated and challenging – it’s a federal law. And because federal law has teeth, all of your supervisors must understand the requirements for compliance.
Our interactive training CD gives you all the information outlined above and much more, including:
- When to involve HR. Sometimes it simply makes good sense. Often it’s legally required. Either way, supervisors make the folks in HR their friends.
- How FMLA interacts with your attendance policies. When does FMLA leave count as days absent? Can it count against bonuses and awards?
- When employees on FMLA leave can be terminated. Any error on this issue can have serious consequences.
- Ways to spot FMLA abuse. A typical red flag: an employee’s vacation request was denied for the same timeframe in which he or she takes FMLA leave. Now that you’re suspicious, what can you do about it?
Being smart about FMLA is essential for every supervisor. Employees shouldn’t be the ones educating supervisors about FMLA. That kind of education comes with a lawsuit. Plus, not only your organization but you personally can be named as a defendant!
Order FMLA Training for Supervisors now. Stay out of the minefield.
Phillip A. Ash
I need to know how to sidestep potential FMLA disasters before they threaten my organization.
- I don’t want to risk breaking FMLA rules and facing liability – not for my organization, and not for myself. Send FMLA Training for Supervisors. If I’m not completely satisfied, I’ll request and receive a full refund.
P.S. It bears repeating: FMLA creates personal liability for any supervisor who breaks the rules. That means your home and personal wealth are at risk. Do you really want to face an employee who is savvy about FMLA … and an attorney … and a judge, without being armed by the knowledge in FMLA Training for Supervisors?
P.P.S. Also worth repeating: The training has been updated to reflect the 2009 rules for military personnel and family members. FMLA gives such employees extra protection, and you need to know about it. Order now.