Where to turn to keep issues resulting from employee absences, discrimination and other HR challenges from poisoning the workplace—and your career.
If you’ve got employees, you’ve got problems. And you certainly don’t want a lawsuit because you handled a problem the wrong way. Solution: Pop The Employee Problem Solver into your computer.
This convenient CD resource helps you figure out the best way to handle more than 160 HR situations so they don’t turn into HR disasters.
- Yes, rush me The Employee Problem Solver on CD. I understand that I can review it risk-free. If I don’t immediately see how it can help me solve my toughest HR problems, you'll refund my entire purchase price, no questions asked.
Dear Colleague:
No matter how dedicated your employees are, you’re constantly being presented with challenges when it comes to how to handle extended absences, on-the-job safety issues or even charges of discrimination and sexual harassment.
Every employee—even the best employee—has the potential to present you with a challenge. After all, an office is in a constant state of fluctuation—employees requiring FMLA leave or an extended leave of absence for jury duty or to serve in the military; an accusation of an EEO violation; you name it, it’s bound to come up.
And since you can’t possibly be an expert on every aspect of employment law and proper HR procedures, that’s why you need The Employee Problem Solver to help you …
- Discipline insubordinate workers who are undermining your authority
- Investigate sexual harassment claims
- Deal with repeated absences or lateness
- Confront an employee suspected of drug use
- Pull in the reins of an employee flouting safety rules
- Handle leave requests without violating FMLA rules
- And so much more …
…and do it all without jeopardizing either your company or your career!
It’s so powerful—and so easy to use. The Employee Problem Solver CD gives you a wealth of easy-to-read advice and tools with simple navigation. You can go straight to your particular issue, read all about it, come away with a solution and take action … you can save selected pages as Word documents to share … you can even print your own employee manuals.
- Yes, I have employees who cause problems—what company doesn’t? Send me The Employee Problem Solver with your no-risk, money-back guarantee.
Imagine having answers to all your toughest HR problems loaded onto your computer and ready to use at a moment’s notice.
You’ll be able to quickly search a “been there, solved that” resource that presents over 160 of the most frequent, most challenging problems, then suggests proven courses of action you can take. For example:
- Absenteeism. What if your company policy calls for terminating any new hire who misses more than three days of work during the 90-day probation period—but that employee has pregnancy-related complications?
- Abrupt discharge. What should you say, or not say, when an employee is let go suddenly?
- Alcohol. What if an employee fired for drinking during working hours claims his alcoholism is a protected disability?
- Appearance. What if a man is fired for not adhering to the company policy of short hair for men? Women aren’t held to the same standard. Can he sue for sexual discrimination?
- Arrests. What if a job applicant refuses to answer personal questions in a background check? Or a supervisor hears on the radio that an employee was busted for marijuana, then fires that employee the next day?
You’ll also find solutions to problems relating to accent discrimination, age bias, AIDS, alternative dispute resolution, the ADA, application forms and at-will status … and that’s just your “A” problems. We’ve got the rest of the alphabet covered as well!
By now you’re probably getting a sense of the incredible amount of information packed onto this one disc—and how useful it would be to have it on your computer. No wondering where to start, fruitless Google searches or flipping through employment law texts to find the answers you need.
It’s like having an HR consultant at your fingertips 24/7. (But this HR consultant won’t keep sending you a bill with a steep hourly rate.)
- Way too much of my time is spent solving employee problems. Send me The Employee Problem Solver and help me save minutes, hours, even days over the course of my year.
This value-packed CD covers problems from A to W. Including:
- Benefits, breaks and bullies
- Cleanliness, compensation and confidentiality
- Dating, defamation and dress codes
- Electronic communications, emergencies and emotional reactions
- Family and Medical Leave Act, fatigue and fighting
- Gambling and grievances
- Handicaps, hiring and holidays
- Identify theft, inclement weather and insubordination
- Job status changes and jury duty
- Leaves of absence, liability and loyalty
- Medical issues, moonlighting and motivation
- Negativity, nepotism and non-compete agreements
- Obscene language and off-duty conduct
- Pay practices, privacy and promises
- Race, record-keeping and references
- Sex discrimination, shifts, smoking and stereotyping
- Teams, teasing and travel
- Unacceptable behavior and uniforms
- Vacations, vehicles and verbal foul-ups
- Whistle blowing, work hours and workplace violence
Any ONE of these problems, if handled improperly, could result in a crippling lawsuit against your company—or you personally. Yet The Employee Problem Solver provides field-tested solutions to all these situations—and many more.
- Whew! Your CD covers a lot of situations! I’m sure many of them apply to my employees, and if The Employee Problem Solver helps me solve just one problem, it’s worth taking a look.
There are still dozens more topics. Under most topics listed you’ll find solutions to multiple problems, each describing a specific situation in detail and suggesting a solution. Where appropriate, legal citations are offered to help you back up your decisions.
Make no mistake, a mishandled employee problem can make a big impact on your bottom line. That’s why this resource is essential whether you’re:
- An HR specialist. No matter what your level of experience, this is your ONE-STOP RESOURCE to solve any HR problems, big or small.
- A manager in any other department. If you’re supervising employees, you’re dealing with problems. Have The Employee Problem Solver ready when you need it, not when it’s too late.
- The boss. Even if you’re a CEO or the owner of a company, there are limits on what you can say or do. And one thing you don’t want to do is wind up with a lawsuit. This one disc will help you avoid all kinds of tricky situations.
You not only need the wisdom packed into The Employee Problem Solver, you also want it. So you can spend less time putting out fires and more time focusing on productivity, profits and, yes, your employees, the good ones who deserve a greater share of your attention.
Order The Employee Problem Solver now. Because when the next problem occurs, now is when you’ll need it.
Phillip A. Ash
- Yes, send me The Employee Problem Solver on CD, with your money-back guarantee.
P.S. Remember, you’ve got plenty of risks with your employees, but none whatsoever with The Employee Problem Solver. If you’re not completely satisfied, we’ll refund your entire purchase price, no questions asked.
P.P.S. Does the employer/employee landscape change over time? You know it does. That’s why we’ll send you an updated Employee Problem Solver CD approximately 6 months after you order, to keep you abreast of the latest advice and legal citations so you’ll know how to be compliant now—and stay compliant over time.
You may keep the first update at no extra charge. Or, pay a modest fee and receive a new CD in another 6 months. Most of our customers love this easy renewal service, but it’s entirely up to you.
First things first. Order The Employee Problem Solver now!