Woman's Guide to Communicating
With Confidence

Woman's communication

When it comes to emotion and communications, women's extra neurons give them an eight-lane superhighway, whereas men have a county road, according to research done by Dr. Louann Brizendine.

Women and men receive different confidence "training" as kids, and it shows up in their adult communication styles.

Women grow up less likely to ask for what they want and negotiate less often on their own behalf. They don't communicate that they're "ready" when clearly they are!

But it doesn't have to always be that way.

Woman's Guide to Communicating With Confidence will help you learn to speak your truth to lead, succeed and make your ideas heard in the workplace.

To authentically and effectively advance your career, you can learn to overcome this early training with some surprisingly simple strategies. These "InPower Confidence Strategies" will help you be more effective and acquire more influence in your current job and position you for your next one!

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In just 75 minutes, you'll discover:

  • What the research says about how women & men are trained in confidence & how it affects women's leadership trajectory.
  • How women and men are "trained" differently to communicate their value and talk about themselves to "strangers."
  • The 3-step "right-brain" approach to authentic confidence-building that can help women be taken more seriously.

Plus, you'll come away knowing how to:

  • Use the "Silence Trick" to get more accurate feedback on your ideas.
  • Identify your personal "Confidence-inhibiting Belief" that's holding you back from taking the kind of risk that will make you more effective in meetings and one-on-one interactions.
  • Diagnose your comfort zone and develop a strategy to get outside it to further your business goals.

This recording is not for women only! Male co-workers AND managers will benefit greatly from understanding how women are "wired" to communicate.

Learn the secrets of powerful communication. How you interact really does matter. Get your copy of Woman's Guide to Communicating With Confidence today!


Mary Ellen Slayter

Mary Ellen Slayter, Editor
Administrative Professional Today

P.S. Your satisfaction is unconditionally guaranteed. If Woman's Guide to Communicating With Confidence fails to meet your needs, we will refund every penny you paid – no hassles, no questions asked.

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Woman's Guide to Communicating With Confidence


About Your Speaker:

Dana TheusDana Theus is a leadership consultant and executive coach. She helps her clients through the personal growth that results in career success and life mastery. With her support, clients access their power to present a confident, authentic personal brand and lead true and lasting change – at work and in their lives. She specializes in supporting professional women and emotionally intelligent leaders through her blog InPowerWomen.com, recognized by Forbes as a top 100 women's blog, and her online coaching community at InPowerCoaching.com.

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