Effective Employee Discipline & Termination Strategies

At last! Help with one of the most dreaded tasks faced by any supervisor.

Disciplining employees is never easy, and terminating someone can be traumatic. But if you do it the right way, you can help a misbehaving employee solve a problem – or get rid of an employee who is a problem – and do it without legal consequences. Just follow the guidelines in Effective Employee Discipline & Termination Strategies for Supervisors.

This audio-visual training CD comes complete with printed guides. Ideal for solo or group training.

  • Yes, I want help dealing with employees who need discipline – or need to be shown the door. Send me Effective Employee Discipline & Termination Strategies for Supervisors. I'll review the CD risk-free. If I'm less than delighted, I'll return it and you'll refund my entire purchase price.
Help me with discipline. Send the CD.

Dear Colleague:

Being a supervisor can be very rewarding. But it isn’t always easy.

You must discipline employees who fail to perform or break the rules. Occasionally you even have to terminate an employee.

No supervisor enjoys handing out discipline. But it’s an important part of the job.

Now you and your management team can get help with the sensitive, stressful process of discipline and termination. It should be a process – logical, documented and as unemotional as possible – for the good of everyone involved. For the good of your organization, too, if you want to avoid costly legal problems.

Effective Employee Discipline & Termination Strategies for Supervisors gives you techniques to discipline your people the right way and keep yourself out of harm’s way. In just 37 minutes of slides and audio narration, this interactive training CD gives you easy-to-follow guidelines that work for any employee in any organization.

The full program includes:

  • A 25-step course that takes you from the reasons for disciplining employees through the correct procedures to how to handle a termination session (with 4 steps on this vital topic alone).
  • 2 interactive exercises on common mistakes and documentation, plus a final quiz to reinforce the entire course.
  • 3 printed guides – a User’s Guide, Discussion Guide and Participant’s Guide – to complete, expand upon and reinforce the training. The printed copies help you get started right away, while PDF versions on the CD let you print all the copies you ever need.

Handle discipline properly, and your organization will see countless benefits.

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Discipline’s a challenge. Send the CD.

There’s a discipline to disciplining employees. Do it right, and you not only solve problems, you improve your workplace.

You often hear about people striving for win-win results in business. Effective Employee Discipline & Termination Strategies for Supervisors gives you win-win-win results, because everybody wins when discipline is done right:

  • The organization wins with reduced legal exposure, improved productivity, fewer departmental conflicts, smoother operations and a healthy bottom line.
  • Employees win with less confusion, improved morale, more time to concentrate on important tasks and more fairness in the workplace.
  • Supervisors win with less stress, increased job satisfaction, better cooperation from employees and a higher performance rating.

With all these benefits, you might expect to devote hours of classroom training to achieve them. But what supervisor has time for that?

Instead, Effective Employee Discipline & Termination Strategies for Supervisors packs a complete course into less than an hour of interactive training, with a printed Participant’s Guide for easy reference by supervisors whenever needed. This training program offers you two ways to learn:

Solo training, with individual supervisors taking the course on their computers. When one person finishes the CD, he or she simply passes it along – perfect for when supervisors’ schedules are in conflict. But if you can gather people together, try…

Group training, to get even more out of the course from participation and feedback. The Discussion Guide for Group Leaders offers many suggestions for lively interaction, plus a role-playing exercise on how to investigate a discipline problem.

Bonus: The User’s Guide gives you 4 helpful documents for organizing a group training session: invitation memo, attendance roster, proof of attendance form and certificate of participation. We’ve made everything as easy as possible for you.

Handle discipline properly, and your organization will see countless benefits.

  • Sounds good to me. Send Effective Employee Discipline & Termination Strategies for Supervisors right away. With your no-risk guarantee, I'll have the right to terminate this deal and get all my money back.
Discipline’s a challenge. Send the CD.

Disciplining employees the wrong way can actually create new problems. Welcome to the reality of legal issues.

You know there’s a huge body of law governing employment. But do you know exactly what to do – and more important, what not to do – when disciplining or terminating an employee?

You soon will. Effective Employee Discipline & Termination Strategies for Supervisors reveals 6 circumstances where termination may lead to legal problems, and offers 5 questions to ask yourself before terminating any employee.

Legalities are just one aspect of this complete training. You’ll also learn:

  • 6 common discipline mistakes. Hint: Be consistent, don’t be emotional.
  • 14 tips for investigating discipline issues. For example, no retaliation against an accuser or witness.
  • 6 ways to determine disciplinary action. Was the employee forewarned? Do you need approval from HR?
  • 5 steps for documenting discipline. A paper trail is a must here.
  • 9 strategies for discussing disciplinary action. Avoid apologizing, even if you disagree with a policy that was violated.

Handle discipline properly, and your organization will see countless benefits.

  • Sounds good to me. Send Effective Employee Discipline & Termination Strategies for Supervisors right away. With your no-risk guarantee, I'll have the right to terminate this deal and get all my money back.
Discipline’s a challenge. Send the CD.

We’ve saved the worst for last… the most serious disciplinary action… termination. As you might imagine, Effective Employee Discipline & Termination Strategies for Supervisors gives it serious attention.

Disciplining an employee you want to keep is difficult enough. Terminating an employee takes it to a whole new level. That’s why our training gives you:

  • 3 tips for preparing for a termination session. Here’s one for free: Keep the meeting brief. 15 minutes, tops.
  • 10 ways to relieve stress during the session. For example, don’t try to make the situation sound better than it is. You are firing someone. Don’t be harsh, but don’t sugarcoat it, either.
  • 5 tips for after the meeting. From dealing with the employee’s personal belongings to what to tell other employees.
  • 4 tips for dealing with an employee who becomes volatile. Such as making sure there’s a desk between you and the employee, because who knows what could happen?

This training CD will help you follow the right steps every time… avoid accidentally straying off the path… even avoid legal and physical danger.

This succinct, actionable training is suitable for every supervisor. If it helps you discipline just one employee in a way that turns him or her into a star performer… or terminate an employee without incident and without sparking a lawsuit… it’s worth investing less than an hour of time for training, don’t you agree?

Order Effective Employee Discipline & Termination Strategies for Supervisors now. Get the training you need for one of your toughest, yet most delicate tasks.


Phillip A. Ash

Handle discipline properly, and your organization will see countless benefits.

  • Sounds good to me. Send Effective Employee Discipline & Termination Strategies for Supervisors right away. With your no-risk guarantee, I'll have the right to terminate this deal and get all my money back.
Discipline’s a challenge. Send the CD.

P.S. The best time to order Effective Employee Discipline & Termination Strategies for Supervisors? Today. Now. Before you need it. So you can take the training and be ready the next time an employee must be disciplined for an offensive or dangerous action.