Payroll Compliance:
Preparing for Year-End and 2021
The most valuable commodity you have is time. And, if you handle payroll compliance, time is running out.
This year, the pandemic has made year-end preparation even more crucial, as the data you need may be more difficult to gather from far-flung employees.
PLUS … the IRS just announced new W-2 reporting requirements for pandemic sick/family leave … this is the first year you’ll be reporting payments to independent contractors on the new Form 1099-NEC … and employers are facing intense new scrutiny of their W-2s, 1099s and 1095s.
Warning: Form mistakes (or forms filed in the wrong medium) can lead to millions of dollars in tax penalties—and unwanted attention on your department (and you)!
Payroll Compliance: Preparing for Year-End and 2021, led by payroll expert Alice Gilman, Esq., editor of Payroll Legal Alert, will show you:
- What's changed with W-2s and how you should respond
- 8 steps for completing 1099s that will keep the IRS off your back—forever
- How to respond to no-match letters from the SSA
- 6 crucial moves you must make to activate the new safe harbor for de minimis math errors
- How to gain cooperation from other departments to ensure a smoother year-end process
- 10 ways to safeguard employees' personal information from the prying eyes of hackers, ID thieves and other scammers
- What important IRS changes are coming in 2021 and 2022
- Mandatory reporting of employees' health benefits—get it right or get a penalty notice from the IRS
This webinar recording is incredibly timely because penalties for failing to file correct information returns—including the health care information returns—have more than doubled. And now those penalties go up every year, not just every five years. So mistakes on W-2s, 1099s and 1095s are not pocket change anymore.
Never again wonder "Am I doing it right?" This 75-minute training session gives you practical, easy-to-understand solutions to the complex year-end issues you'll face. Learn how to comply with confidence. Get your copy of Payroll Compliance now!
Pat DiDomenico, Editorial Director
Payroll Legal Alert
P.S. Your satisfaction is unconditionally guaranteed. If Payroll Compliance: Preparing for Year-End and 2021 fails to meet your needs, we will refund every penny you paid – no hassles, no questions asked.
Payroll Compliance: Preparing for Year-End and 2021
About Your Speaker:

Alice Gilman, Esq., is an expert in payroll and tax compliance who has covered payroll issues for more than 26 years. She's written and edited several leading payroll publications, including Payroll Legal Alert, the Research Institute of America's Payroll Guide, the American Payroll Association's Basic Guide to Payroll and the Payroll Manager's Letter.
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