No More Noncompetes:
How to Protect Your Intellectual Property

Noncompetes are banned. What now?
An estimated 18% of U.S. employees are covered by noncompete agreements—some 30 million workers. That will leave many companies scrambling when the FTC’s final rule banning most of them goes into effect on Sept. 4, 2024.
The reason companies use noncompetes is obvious—you don’t want a key employee defecting to the competition, taking valuable information and critical expertise with them, and leaving you at an acute disadvantage. But the FTC sees noncompetes as a sustained effort by employers to suppress wages, kill competition and halt innovation.
Its new rules not only prevent you from forcing employees to sign noncompete agreements in the future, but also negate those already in effect for all but the highest-paid executives. However, that doesn’t mean you simply have to give up on protecting institutional knowledge and trade secrets.
Join employment lawyer Kate Newman for a step-by-step guide to dismantling those noncompete agreements and replacing them with something protective and legal. Don’t wait for existing agreements to be void before making a plan—establish legally sound protections now.
Webinar Agenda
- Discover alternative ways to protect trade secrets—specifically, the role of confidentiality and nondisclosure agreements, restrictive covenants, arbitration agreements and state laws that still apply.
- Learn the range of government activity surrounding noncompete agreements, including the NLRB, FTC state laws and the role of arbitration agreements.
- How to track down and contact past employees who signed noncompete agreements, in compliance with FTC guidelines.
- The importance of and instructions for implementing trade secret and confidentiality provisions for independent contractors, volunteers and interns.
- How to handle hiring new employees under noncompete agreements. What will and what won’t still apply?
In this 75-minute online training, you'll learn:
- Alternate ways to protect trade secrets. Noncompete agreements aren’t the only tools available.
- How to make the new rulings work in your favor. The FTC wants you to give workers the right to job-hop easily. Learn how to use that to your advantage.
- Independent contractor agreements are at risk, too. Identify the risks and learn how to renegotiate these agreements in your favor.
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Kate Newman serves as counsel in the Las Vegas office of Ogletree Deakins. Her practice focuses on representing employers in a wide range of disputes, including discrimination and retaliation claims, wage-and-hour claims, wrongful-discharge claims and claims under the FMLA. Drawing on her experience as a former Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Nevada, Kate also represents employers in compliance investigations and other government enforcement actions.
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