Managing Aging Workers While Preventing Discrimination

Understand the rights of aging employees and head off age-discrimination lawsuits.
Managing older workers has many upsides. They can be well-educated, experienced, and hard-working. As they age into traditional retirement years, many want to stay engaged and employed, keeping that experience and knowledge in your organization. However, that can also present some unique challenges for their employers.
Most boomers are likely to understand their legal rights, including protections available under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), a federal law they’ve referenced for decades. Plus, as their rate of disability climbs due to age, they’re exercising their rights under the ADA to reasonable accommodations.
Then there’s Gen X, who recently aged into ADEA protection. They expect training and development, and often seek promotional opportunities into positions many boomers aren’t quite ready to give up.
As an employer, you might think it’s sensible to favor a younger employee when it comes to promotions and new training opportunities. When layoffs are around the corner, shouldn’t you consider whether a worker is likely to retire in a year or two? Those actions could quickly land you in court for age discrimination — a case you’re not likely to win.
Attend this webinar on Wednesday, June 5, to learn your rights as an employer, and the rights of aging employees under the many laws and regulations that govern them.
Webinar Agenda
- Learn about the ADEA and its state counterparts, including some age-discrimination laws that protect all workers from age discrimination.
- Gain an understanding of the Older Workers’ Benefits Protection Act (OWBPA) and what it requires employers to do before conducting a reduction in force or reorganization.
- Draft and execute severance pay offers that include a release of liability for age discrimination.
- Understand your requirements to reasonably accommodate common age-related disabilities, including mobility impairments, acute medical problems like cancer and heart disease, and mental health and acuity issues like forms of dementia.
- Learn why you must allow and encourage older workers to enter training and mentorship programs even if you suspect a retirement announcement may be coming.
- Train managers and supervisors to recognize age-related harassment and discrimination, like using ageist language and stereotyping.
- Grow awareness of generational differences without resorting to stereotypes and making assumptions.
In this 75-minute workshop, you'll learn how to:
- Manage older workers without triggering age-discrimination and harassment lawsuits.
- Accommodate age-related physical and mental disabilities.
- Safely terminate older workers during RIFs, reorganizations and economic downturns.
Get answers to YOUR questions from presenter…

Anniken Davenport is a noted employment law attorney and the editor of HR Specialist: Employment Law. She has authored several books, including Bullet-Proof Your Employee Handbook and Overtime & Other Tricky Pay Issues. She is also co-author of the upcoming Labor & Employment Law for the 21st Century, by Prentice Hall. Anniken has served as a professor at Penn State University, where she taught business law and HR management, and she directed the Legal Studies Program at Wilson College. Her legal career includes representing government units in discrimination and other employment law cases and representing school districts in labor negotiations.
Registration bonuses included:

Everyone who signs up will receive a copy of Preventing Age Discrimination. You may think this type of discrimination only applies if an employee over 40 is terminated, but the law is much broader. In 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the ADEA applies to all governmental employers, while allowing older workers to challenge any policy that has a disparate impact on them. Learn all the rules and regulations so you can examine your policies and procedures for any discriminatory behavior.

You'll also receive one month of exclusive access to The HR Weekly, our comprehensive service with all the HR advice and compliance tools to simplify your job … and to keep your organization out of court. So that you continue to benefit from The HR Weekly, we will continue your subscription after that for the then-current rate, unless you tell us "no, thanks" — your choice.

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If Managing Aging Workers While Preventing Discrimination fails to meet your needs in any way, we will refund 100% of your tuition – every penny you paid – but your course materials and registration bonuses will be yours to keep. No hassles, no questions asked.
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