- Tuesday, Feb. 13
- 1:00 ET
- 10:00 PT
Workplace Romance:
Set Enforceable Guidelines or Pay the Price
More than three-quarters of U.S. workers admit to office romance. Employers need to pay attention.
In this 75-minute interactive online training, you will learn how to:
- Handle workplace relationships by setting guidelines and parameters employees must follow.
- Apply lessons learned to those unique situations playing out in your workplace, even in remote environments.
- Learn how to protect your employees while preventing legal action, especially when relationships go bad.
77% of respondents in Shift Workshop’s 2022 Sexual Harassment Study reported that they are in or have had a sexual or romantic relationship with a co-worker. If this trend hasn’t caused issues at your workplace yet, it’s only a matter of time.
HR departments are tasked with handling the trickiest of workplace scenarios — protecting your company and employees by developing policies to prevent legal action. Learn how to tackle office relationships by implementing and enforcing a policy and ensuring proper documentation, for example, if your company chooses to opt for “love contracts.”
Also discover what to do when romance ends in heartache — and how to protect your employees from the fallout. Set guidelines for supervisor/non-supervisor relationships and learn why supervisor-subordinate relationships are a bad idea.
If your workplace is virtual only, and you think this doesn't apply to you, think again. It’s still crucial to apply guidelines to these scenarios. Learn what happens if an office romance turns into sexual harassment. The speaker will offer advice for those situations as well, drawing on examples he’s seen during his 40-year career.
Agenda for Workplace Romance
- Legal issues surrounding workplace relationships — supervisor vs. non-supervisor, and what happens when things get ugly
- Setting workplace romance guidelines and love-contract considerations
- The appropriate documentation procedures that must occur
- Security measures to institute, both practical and legal
- The case for banning any supervisor-subordinate relationship
- When romance morphs into sexual harassment
- Accountability from the top down: Why you need a no-romance policy in the boardroom
- Review of general EEOC guidance on harassment

Interactive Q&A time included
No workplace scenario is too crazy — Jon will offer guidance for a variety of scenarios (he’s dealt with them all) involving office romance, office romances gone bad, appropriate documentation, and security measures, both practical and legal.
Jonathan Fraser Light, managing attorney at LightGabler, has more than 40 years of experience in handling employment law issues. He and his legal team offer employment counsel and training programs to companies of all sizes to reduce liability and protect against lawsuits. When lawsuits do ensue, Jon’s team provides full-service litigation, through trial, if necessary.
Jonathan Fraser Light Attorney and speaker
Professional Recertification Credit Hours Included

Business Management Daily is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDC) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities.

HR Certification Institute’s® (www.HRCI.org) official seal confirms that Business Management Daily meets the criteria for pre-approved recertification credit(s) for any of HRCI’s eight credentials, including SPHR® and PHR®. This program has been pre-approved for 1.25 HR-General recertification credit hours.
Register now and receive these free bonuses!

Workplace Romance Guidelines for Employers
This white paper will walk you through different types of workplace relationships and the policy considerations around them. Additionally, it includes a sample consensual relationship agreement that you can modify and start using in your workplace today.

4 free issues of The HR Weekly
You'll also receive one month of exclusive access to The HR Weekly – our comprehensive service with all the HR advice and compliance tools to simplify your job … and to keep your organization out of court. So that you continue to benefit from The HR Weekly, we will continue your subscription after that for the then current rate, unless you tell us "no, thanks" – your choice.

We promise you'll be satisfied.
If Workplace Romance fails to meet your needs in any way, we will refund 100% of your tuition – every penny you paid – but your course materials and registration bonuses will be yours to keep. No hassles, no questions asked.