Employee Accommodations Workshop

Managing (un)reasonable religious, medical and leave requests

Wednesday, October 23 | 1:00 - 5:00 PM Eastern


It's a question that troubles most employers and HR professionals when dealing with accommodations.

At what point have you done enough to offer extra leave, revised job tasks, altered workstations, or modified schedules? When must you say “yes” to such accommodations? When can you say “no”? When is it legal to say goodbye to the employee?

On October 23, discover precisely how to navigate this dangerous legal line at the Employee Accommodations Workshop. This comprehensive 4-hour training workshop covers all your legal compliance obligations under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the complex maze of other related laws.

Learn practical, important compliance advice like:

  • A step-by-step process for employee accommodation requests—including religion, illness, and disability
  • The difference between FMLA leave and ADA “reasonable accommodations” for health issues
  • How to draft “essential functions” into your job descriptions
  • When you must accommodate workers who want to go (or stay) remote
  • When you can legally say “no” to accommodations requests—and when it’s time to terminate

Dealing with Accommodations (both medical and mental health-related) are some of the toughest employment law issues that your organization faces. This training provides a real-life roadmap so you can confidently know when it’s time to accommodate, and when it’s time to terminate.   

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Accommodation Essentials

Start at the very beginning with an overview of the laws that require employers to reasonably accommodate employee needs. Learn about the FMLA, the ADA, religious accommodations, and more.

Topics Include: +
  • What’s meant by a “reasonable accommodation” under each law
  • Balancing employee rights to accommodation against operational needs, costs, and other factors
  • Setting up a legal “interactive process” to discuss accommodations
  • When to revisit accommodations and terminate without triggering a lawsuit

Family and Medical Leave Act Compliance

The FMLA is almost 30 years old, but it’s still causing big-time confusion for employers. Discover how to determine eligibility and set your calendar year, and when you can say “enough is enough.”

Topics Include: +
  • When workers can or can't take unannounced or intermittent leave
  • How to eliminate FMLA leave abuse
  • When you can terminate workers on FMLA leave, including for RIFs and newly discovered poor work
  • When you can refuse to reinstate workers and offer “ADA leave”

Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance

The ADA requires employers to make “reasonable accommodations” so disabled workers can perform the essential functions of their jobs. But what’s reasonable … and where can you draw the line?

Topics Include: +
  • How to set up and document the ADA interactive process
  • How to choose the right accommodation for your company—even if it’s not what the employee prefers
  • When to revisit an accommodation that’s not working and when unpaid time off is required
  • How remote work is the hottest accommodation—and when it must be offered

When You Can Say ‘Enough’

Accommodations aren’t an open-ended employee right. Poor performance or FMLA abuse is not acceptable. In some cases, just say “no” or draw a legal line on the amount of leave or other accommodations. But the rules are tricky.

Topics Include: +
  • How to manage the interactive process correctly
  • When you can deny reinstatement for workers who’ve run out of leave or aren’t medically ready to return
  • What to do if you discover poor work while the employee is on FMLA leave
  • How to spot leave abuse and legally terminate the abuser
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Direct Access to Your Instructor

Each session includes dedicated Q&A discussion time. Plus you can contact Anniken throughout the program with your own specific questions.

Anniken Davenport photo

Anniken Davenport is an attorney and a well-known author and speaker on employment law issues. She is editor of the HR Specialist: Employment Law newsletter series and has authored several books, including The FMLA Compliance Guide, Bullet-Proof Your Employee Handbook, and Employer’s Practical Legal Guide. She is also co-author of the upcoming Labor & Employment Law for the 21st Century, by Prentice Hall. Anniken has served as a professor at Penn State University, where she taught business law and HR management, and she directed the Legal Studies Program at Wilson College.


Termination Guidelines

You’ll learn about issues such as exercising your right to fire at will, laying the groundwork with progressive discipline, avoiding wrongful termination lawsuits, preventing constructive discharge claims, conducting termination meetings and exit interviews, and handling layoffs with care.

Religious Accommodations Flowchart

Use this detailed chart to navigate religious accommodations requests — from the interactive process through the undue hardship test and steps to take before you can deny or terminate.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

If the Employee Accommodations Workshop fails to meet your needs, we will refund 100% of your tuition, no questions asked—and your course materials and bonus gifts are yours to keep.


Business Management Daily is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDC) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities.


HR Certification Institute’s® (www.HRCI.org) official seal confirms that Business Management Daily meets the criteria for pre-approved recertification credit(s) for any of HRCI’s eight credentials, including SPHR® and PHR®. This program has been pre-approved for 3.50 HR-General recertification credit hours.

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