BakerWrite Speedwriting Workshop
Even as work continues to go digital, notetaking is a must-have skill for every professional.
Whether you’re taking meeting minutes trying to capture 7 people’s comments, jotting down notes from a voicemail, or recording the highlights of a conversation with your manager, taking quick and efficient notes is a vital skill for every professional.
In this online training, BakerWrite Speedwriting Workshop, Heather Baker will walk you through her system for capturing notes quickly and efficiently. You’ll learn how to use short forms, symbols, and a clear notetaking structure to keep up with the conversation as it’s happening. With this efficient and organized system, you’ll also improve the clarity of your notes, making sure you capture the key points and that you can understand what they say afterwards. Finally, you’ll create an action plan to implement your new skills and start taking better, stress-free notes immediately.
Agenda for BakerWrite Speedwriting Workshop:
- Grammar must-knows. Understand key grammatical concepts and easy-to-abbreviate phrases including common prefixes and suffixes.
- Top tips for taking notes. Learn the tried and true tips and tricks for taking notes fast, clearly, and efficiently.
- How to create an action plan. It’s not enough to know what to do — you need a plan to put it into action.
In this 60-minute training, you will learn how to:
- Structure your notetaking.
Learn a structure for abbreviations.
- Easily keep up with the conversation.
Use speedwriting to take notes quickly so you never have to ask what did you say again?
- Decipher your notes afterward.
Never struggle to understand what you wrote with this clear & efficient system.
View a free clip:
Your Presenter:

Following over 20 years as a secretary and then a PA herself, Heather Baker established Baker Thompson Associates in January 2000. Since then, she travels the world to inspire PAs, EAs and administrative professionals of all levels, from public and private companies, to excel in their roles, for their success and the success of their organizations. She has won local and national awards and has been a judge for many PA awards. Her specialized training courses are available online and continue to be interactive, fun and relevant. On-demand recordings are also available. Courses are CPD Certified and Heather is a Fellow of the Institute of Administrative Management. Heather has written four books and is a regular speaker at national and international PA/EA conferences and seminars, including Executive Support LIVE and Executive Support Global. She is proud to be a Prince’s Trust business mentor in the UK and one of the many supporters and mentors for Isipho Admin in South Africa.
Your satisfaction is unconditionally guaranteed:

If the BakerWrite Speedwriting Workshop fails to meet your needs, we will refund every penny you paid – no hassles, no questions asked.