You do NOT have to pay an attorney to explain current employment law to you.
Business is constantly changing. The Employer’s Practical Legal Guide keeps you up to date on current laws and the effects of recent court rulings on employers' rights.
As an employer, you still have the right to …
- Fire an employee who’s slacking off.
- Hire whoever you think is most qualified.
- Promote any worker who’s earned it.
- Deny leave that’s inconvenient.
- Enforce company policies.
This handy desk reference has all the information you need to protect these rights and others, as well as keep yourself out of legal troubles.

Get Employer's Practical Legal Guide FREE with your 1-year subscription to HR Specialist: Employment Law. You'll quickly learn how to apply recent employer-friendly court rulings — including pandemic policies — in your organization's favor.
Avoid litigation by keeping up with current rulings
This best-seller looks at the intersection between current events, recent rulings, and traditional employment law concerns — to help you avoid litigation and modernize your policies. Prepared by top employment attorneys — then translated into plain language for business people — the Employer’s Practical Legal Guide has everything you need to know to stop trouble before it starts and limit the damage from innocent mistakes. Protect your company with these comprehensive and easy-to-understand guidelines.
Normally, a full year of HR Specialist: Employment Law would cost you $299. By subscribing today, get the Professional Courtesy Rate of just $97 for one year’s service. Immediately, you save a full 67% — and receive, with our compliments, unlimited free access to a wealth of online problem-solving reports.
Add it all up and that’s only 40¢ a day for reliable, heads-up guidance that could save you from straying into worker lawsuits and potential legal calamity.

Prepared by top employment attorneys, this must-have manual has everything you need to know to stop trouble before it starts and limit the damage from innocent mistakes.
More than 80 checklists and self-audit questionnaires help you target your company’s weak spots and correct them quickly.
Protect your company with comprehensive and trusted compliance advice for HR professionals — get HR Specialist: Employment Law and Employer's Practical Legal Guide now.

7600A Leesburg Pike, West Building, Falls Church, VA 22043 (800) 543-2055