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FMLA Master Class:
Certification & Calendar Essentials

In 75 minutes, you’ll get comprehensive, legal training on:

  • Your FMLA responsibilities

    When to provide notices of eligibility, which forms (old or new) to provide and what to include in your company’s FMLA guidelines.


  • Setting your calendar

    Identify what your options are and the best ways to choose a calendar that’s legal, fair and clear.

  • Making return-to-work seamless

    Learn how to make sure your certification process and calendar plan properly cover when and how the employee will return to work.


Get FMLA management right so your workforce remains productive, well and happy.

FMLA certification guidelines and calendars are absolutely essential for properly managing your workforce. They not only protect your business but your employees' productivity and well-being as well. They also help prevent leave abuse, confusion, and worst of all ... lawsuits.

Get a detailed how-to on FMLA certification and calendar management from expert employment lawyer Anniken Davenport. In just a little over an hour, you’ll learn the importance of certification guidelines and calendars, and how to apply them to your workforce.

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Agenda for FMLA Master Class: Certification & Calendar Essentials

  • The new forms! How to make sure you are using the correct ones. Why? Because they are newly redesigned to make it easier for doctors and other medical providers to provide just the information you need – not more or, as is common with older forms, too little – to make an informed decision.
  • Calendar options. Which one is best? We'll review the choices available to employers so you can decide which one is best for your business.
  • Don’t agree with the certification? Learn when and why you should request a second or third opinion and what to do with those if they conflict.
  • Intermittent leave. Learn exactly how often you need to recertify intermittent leave – including intermittent paid FMLA leave for COVID-19-related reasons.
  • FMLA abuse. Find out what you should do if you think a worker is abusing FMLA leave. Hint: It involves recertification as well as verifying the employee is actually off work for the reason she says.
  • Return-to-work. It’s tricky. Find out what form you need to have completed and what limits there are on the information you request.
  • Forms walk-through. We will go through each form, including the FMLA notices you must complete and what the employee’s completed forms should look like.
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Anniken Davenport is a noted employment law attorney and the editor of the HR Specialist: Employment Law newsletter series. She has authored several books, including Bullet-Proof Your Employee Handbook and Overtime & Other Tricky Pay Issues, published by HR Specialist. She is the co-author of the upcoming Labor & Employment Law for the 21st Century by Prentice Hall. Anniken has served as a professor at Penn State University, where she taught business law and HR management, and she directed the Legal Studies Program at Wilson College. Her legal career includes representing government units in discrimination and other employment law cases and representing school districts in labor negotiations.

Anniken Davenport
Anniken Davenport Attorney and author

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Professional Certification Credit Hours Included

This program is valid for 1.25 PDCs for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®.


The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.

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