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We couldn't help it, here's one more gift ...
Being an admin involves scheduling meetings, keeping your boss (or bosses) organized, mastering technology and making sure the office runs smoothly. In short, it requires a lot of juggling.
The good news is, you’re not the only person who has to keep a lot of balls in the air. Thousands of other admins know what it’s like to be a scheduler, an IT expert, a travel agent and a diplomat all in one. The better news is that these admins want to share their tricks of the trade with you! And the best news is that we’ve put together their secrets to success in The Admin Pro Handbook: Tips and Solutions for Standout Assistants – which we want to give you FREE!
We’re giving away The Admin Pro Handbook and Business Protocol Handbook absolutely FREE to qualified admins who respond to this offer within the next 3 days.It’s our way of acquainting you with a remarkable service called Administrative Professional Today.
You’ll learn how to complete all your work without living at the office ... become more efficient without shelling out money for expensive software ... boost your image (and your career) ... and much more!
Free Gift #1: The Admin Pro Handbook
You’ll tackle any problem with a solution that’s been proven to work. And you’ll get dozens of answers to your questions all from one source! Imagine how much more effective you’ll be with technology ... time management ... tracking schedules ... document management ... and interacting with your boss and co-workers. Plus, you’ll learn how to ask for – and get! – the recognition you deserve. The Admin Pro Handbook answers questions like:

- How can I ensure no assignments slip through the cracks?
- How can I tactfully organize my boss?
- How can I keep filed documents from disappearing?
- How can I efficiently track everyone's schedules?
- How can I politely remain private?
- How should I ask for the raise I deserve?
You’ll go even farther in your career with the “Etiquette Edge” – the knowledge of what to say and how to act in any situation. We may work in a business casual world, but that doesn’t mean manners can fall by the wayside. In fact, proper etiquette can help your career – especially if you want upper management to take notice.

Business Protocol Handbook has helped hundreds of people survive – and thrive – in any professional situation. Whether you’re in a cubicle, at a business meal, on the phone or stuck in an embarrassing situation, you’ll be confident that you’re putting your best foot forward. This guide covers:
- 8 close-quarters rules for cubicles
- How to finesse awkward, embarrassing situations
- Handshake etiquette
- Rolling out the red carpet for visitors
- Soothing angry callers
- 5 rules for business dining
Plus, you’ll receive expert advice from Peter Post, grandson of the legendary Emily Post, and Letitia Baldrige, “America’s foremost authority on manners.” With The Admin Pro Handbook and Business Protocol Handbook by your side, you’ll be the new expert on efficiency and etiquette. And you’ll do it without risking a dime!
Pat DiDomenico
Editorial Director
Administrative Professional Today is your guide to sending your career into the stratosphere. Each month you’ll receive ideas, tips and advice on every aspect of your job – often from admins who face the same issues you do.
But there’s no need to make a final decision about subscribing to Administrative Professional Today right now. Try it out risk-free. If it’s not for you, don’t worry about it. Just cancel and get a full, 100% refund of every cent.
- Be the admin everyone in your company wants to have.
P.S. Respond now and you can download The Admin Pro Handbook and Business Protocol Handbook immediately. You’ll never worry about dropping a ball again!